To Display Appointments of Multiple Organizations Side by Side

You can display the appointments of multiple organizations side by side using the following two methods.

Creating a Portal That Only Shows Appointments of Organizations You Want To View

On a portal, place multiple "Scheduler (Group week view)" portlets that only show appointments of organizations you want to view.
By creating a dedicated portal, you can display the appointments of organizations you frequently view with a single click.

Screenshot: Multiple "Scheduler (Group week view)" portlets are placed

Selecting the Appointments of Organizations You Want to View on the Scheduler Screen

On the "Group week" view of Scheduler, click the user selection icon , and select the multiple organizations that have appointments you want to view.
Screenshot: The Select users icon is highlighted and a screen to select the organizations to view appointments is displayed You can display the appointments of multiple organizations side by side. However, you cannot save this display layout and you must perform the above operation each time to get this view.

Screenshot: The appointments of multiple organizations are displayed on the Scheduler screen