Obtaining Embed Tags for Embedding Aggregate Results

Article Number:040466

You can obtain HTML tags (embed tags) to embed charts and tables of kintone apps in external Web pages.
Embed tags can be obtained only for the charts and tables that are saved on kintone apps.


The following are the steps to obtain an embed tag.

  1. Navigate to the "View" screen of an app and select a chart for which you want to obtain an embed tag. Screenshot: Selecting a chart on the "View" screen
  2. Click the Options icon at the upper right of the screen, then click Embed Tag. Screenshot: Selecting "Embed Tag" from the "Options" icon
  3. Copy the embed tag displayed on the Embed Tag dialog.
  4. Paste the copied tag to the HTML source of the site in which you want to embed the chart.

Embedding your apps' aggregate results in Garoon portals

You can use embed tags to embed charts and tables of your apps in Garoon portals.

To do so, copy embed tags on your kintone apps and paste them in the HTML code of an HTML portlet on Garoon. Placing this HTML portlet on a Garoon portal allows you to display your kintone apps' aggregate results on Garoon.

For detailed instructions, refer to Integrating Portals with kintone in Garoon Help.