Is it possible to display kintone apps on Garoon portals?

Article Number:040385

You can use HTML portlets of Garoon to display record lists and charts of your kintone apps on Garoon portals.

This can be done by adding an HTML portlet on Garoon and specifying the URL of your kintone apps or embed tags of charts and tables in HTML format. Placing this HTML portlet on a Garoon portal allows you to display your kintone apps on Garoon.


For detailed instructions, refer to Integrating Portals with kintone in Garoon Help.

Example of HTML portlet code

The following is an example of the HTML code for an HTML portlet that can be used for displaying a kintone app on Garoon portals.

The content has been copied.
<iframe width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" src="https://(サブドメイン)アプリID)/"></iframe>
  • As necessary, change the iframe and frameborder values in the example.
  • Replace "subdomain" in the URL in the example with the URL of your environment.
  • Replace "app ID" in the URL in the example with the app ID (numeric value) of the kintone app you want to display.

If you want to display aggregate results in chart format, get an embed tag of the chart and specify it in the HTML portlet code.
Reference: Obtaining Embed Tags for Embedding Aggregate Results