An Error Message Appears

Article Number:020267

If you encounter an error message when accessing, find a proper solution based on the displayed error code and message.

For example, "404 NotFound" is the error code and "This link is not valid." is the error message in the following image.

Screenshot: An error code and error message are displayed

Code: CB_NO02

Example of message:

You do not have permission to access this service.

You are accessing a URL of the service that you do not have permission.
For example, when you access the URL of kintone without the permission to use kintone, this error message is displayed.
Ask your administrator to change the settings of the services you are using.

Code: 401 Unauthorized

Example of message:

You do not have permissions to access this page.

The access is restricted by Basic authentication.
Ask your administrator for the user name and password of Basic authentication.

Code: 403 Forbidden

Example of message:

Access Forbidden.

The access is restricted by IP address restriction. Take one of the following actions:

If you do not know the IP addresses that are allowed for access, ask your administrator.

Code: 404 NotFound

Example of message:

This link is not valid.

Check the correct URL, and then try accessing it again.
If You Forget Your Login URL

Code: 429 Too Many Requests

Example of message:

Too many requests have been received.
Wait a while and try again later.

It is displayed when is receiving too many access requests from users and programs.
Wait for a while and then try accessing again.

Code: 495 Cert Error

Example of message:

Your client certificate has expired or has been disabled.

Users can no longer use Client Certificate Authentication to access in the following cases.

  • The client certificate has expired.
  • An administrator revoked the client certificate.

Ask your administrator to issue a new client certificate.

Code: 496 No Cert

Example of message:

A valid client certificate is required to access this site.

You must register a client certificate to your Web browser or mobile device in order to use Client Certificate Authentication.
Refer to the following page and check that a client certificate is registered.
Checking If a Client Certificate Has Been Registered

If A Client Certificate Has Not Been Registered

Ask your administrator to issue a client certificate.
Register the issued client certificate in your device and try to log in again.

If A Client Certificate Has Been Registered

If you cannot access even though your client certificate has been registered, contact your administrator.

Code: 503 Service Unavailable

Example of message:

Sorry, we are performing scheduled maintenance. is under maintenance. Wait for a while, and then log in again.

Code: CB_IL02

Example of message:

Invalid request.

Wait for a while, and then log in again.