File Format for Job Titles
This page describes the file format for adding or changing job titles.
For details on how to import a file, refer to the following page:
Adding or Changing Users and Departments Using a File
File Format
Only job titles entered in the file are added or changed.
When the "Job Title Code" you entered in the file is identical to the existing code of the job title in, the job title information will be overwritten.
Enter the information of job title in each row.
Each row requires the following items. These items are mandatory and cannot be omitted.
- Job Title Code
- Name
- New Job Title Code
- Description
- Delete
For details on the items above, refer to the following page:
Items of Job Title Information
Items to be entered in a file
Enter an asterisk (*) for the items that you want to leave unchanged.
Job Title Code
To add a new job title
Enter a string that does not duplicate existing job title codes.
To change the information of existing job titles
Enter the existing job title code.
When you want to change the existing job title code, enter a new job title code in "New Job Title Code".
"Name" must be a string.
New Job Title Code
To change "Job Title Code"
Enter a new job title code.
To add a new job title, or to change information other than "Job Title Code"
Enter a string that is identical to "Job Title Code", or enter "*".
To Be Deleted
Enter one of the following for this item:
- To delete a job title
Enter "1". - To add a job title, or to change job title information
Enter "*" or leave the item blank.
Trimming Whitespaces
If the following items contain a leading or trailing space, it will be trimmed when the data is imported from the file.
- Job Title Code
- Name
- New Job Title Code
- Delete
Example File
Example of actions to perform
- Add a job title "director".
- Change the job title "manager".
- Change the job title code "manager" to "old-manager".
- Change the job title name to "Manager(Obsolete)".
- Change the description.
- Delete the job title "submanager".
Example of CSV file description
Job Title Code, Name, New Job Title Code, Description, To Be Deleted
director, Director, *, Member of a board of directors., *
manager, Manager(Obsolete), old-manager, This title was obsoleted., *
submanager, *, *, , 1
The first row contains "Field Name". Omit the first row containing the field names, or select "Skip header row" when importing a file.