Login and Password Reset
This page explains the following logs generated when:
- A user logs in
- A user logs out
- A user resets their password
For an overview of items included in the audit logs, such as level, module, and result, refer to the following page:
Viewing Audit Logs
This section describes the audit logs whose level is "Notice".
The actions of audit logs whose module is "Authentication" are shown below.
reset password
Actions Taken
Opened the URL included in the password reset email and reset the password.
Contents of "Complement"
- Display name of users
- User ID
send password reset mail
Actions Taken
Entered an email address on the "Having Trouble Logging In?" screen and clicked "Reset Password".
Contents of "Result"
"SUCCESS" is displayed when a password reset email is sent.
"FAILED" is displayed when:
- The provided email address does not have a matching user.
- The provided email address is already in use by multiple user accounts.
Contents of "Complement"
If "Result" is "SUCCESS", the provided email address, user name, and id are displayed.
If "Result" is "FAILED", the provided email address and the reasons for failure are displayed.
- unregistered
- The provided email address does not have a matching user.
- Email has not been sent.
- duplicated
- The provided email address is already in use by multiple user accounts.
- The email with the message "Sorry we cannot reset your password. Your email address is used by two or more accounts." has been sent.
This section describes the audit logs whose level is "Information".
Audit logs whose module is "Authentication" are shown below.
Actions Taken
Performed an action to log in using password authentication.
Contents of "Complement"
If login failed, a login name that attempted login is displayed.
login API(%s)
Actions Taken
Sent a request to API using password authentication and failed.
Contents of "Complement"
Login name that attempted login.
login (SAML)
Actions Taken
Performed an action to log in using SAML authentication.
login (session-less)
Actions Taken
- Used password authentication in Garoon REST API.
- Logged in to Garoon via KUNAI.
- Logged in to Cybozu Office via KUNAI.
Contents of "Complement"
If login failed, a login name that attempted login is displayed.
Actions Taken
The user who had logged in using password authentication logged out.
logout (SAML)
Actions Taken
The user who had logged in using SAML authentication logged out.
User Profile
The actions of audit logs whose module is "User Profile" are shown below.
change password
Actions Taken
The user changed the password.