Displaying Japanese Calendar Dates

Article Number:040777

By setting formulas in kintone, you can display a Japanese calendar date that corresponds to a date entered in a "Date" field. A Japanese calendar date is displayed

The following is the procedure to configure the settings.

Fields to be used

Open the app setting screen and add the following fields on the form: a "Date" field, two "Calculated" fields, and a "Text" field.
Although you can specify any values for the field names and field codes, this article uses the following values for the purpose of explanation.

  • "Date" field
    Field name and field code: "Date"

  • "Calculated" field
    Field name and field code: "Year"

  • "Calculated" field
    Field name and field code: "Date (YYYYMMdd)" and "Date_YYYYMMdd" respectively

  • "Text" field
    Field name and field code: "Japanese calendar date" and "Japanese_calendar_date" respectively

Setting formulas

Set formulas for the "Calculated" fields and the "Text" field.

  • Field name: "Year" (The "Calculated" field)
    Formula: DATE_FORMAT(Date, "YYYY", "Etc/GMT")
    Select Number (1000).
    The "Year" field

  • Field name: "Date (YYYYMMdd)" (The "Calculated" field)
    Formula: DATE_FORMAT(Date,"YYYYMMdd", "Etc/GMT")
    Select Number (1000).
    The "Date (YYYYMMdd)" field

  • Field name: "Japanese calendar date" (The "Text" field)
    Formula: Select Calculate automatically and set the following formula.

DATE_FORMAT(Date, "MMMM d, ", "Etc/GMT") &
 IF(Date_YYYYMMdd >= 20190501, "Reiwa " & Year-2018,
                   IF(Date_YYYYMMdd >= 19890108, "Heisei " & Year-1988,
                  "Showa " & Year-1925))

When the settings are configured as described above, a Japanese calendar date that corresponds to an entered date is displayed in the "Japanese calendar date" field. For example, when "March 14, 2022" is entered in the "Date" field, "March 14, Reiwa 4" is displayed in the "Japanese calendar date" field.

From the link below, you can download an app template with preconfigured formulas.

App template: japanese_calendar.zip (Available only in Japanese)
Click the link to download the template file (zip) and import it into kintone without unzipping it.

Reference: Using plug-ins

As an alternative to setting formulas, you can use plug-ins to display Japanese calendar dates. Note, however, that you cannot use plug-ins if you are currently subscribed to the Lite license plan.
For details, refer to the following page.
Japanese calendar date conversion plug-in