Joining or Leaving a Space

Article Number:040701

You can join or leave public spaces anytime, and you can leave private spaces anytime.

  • When you join a space, you automatically follow the threads within the space, and you will receive notifications on updates in the space.
  • If you leave a space, you will automatically unfollow the threads within the space, and you will no longer receive notifications on updates in the space.

Joining a space

To join a space, navigate to the space you want to join, click the Options icon at the upper right of the screen, and then click Join Space. Screenshot: Clicking the "Options" icon and "Join Space"

When you join a space, you automatically follow the threads within the space, and you will receive notifications on updates in the space.
Also, space members are displayed in the People section of the space portal.
Content displayed on a space portal

Leaving a space

To leave a space, navigate to the space you want to leave, click the Options icon at the upper right of the screen, and then click Leave Space.
Screenshot: Clicking the "Options" icon and "Leave Space"

If you leave a space, you will automatically unfollow the threads within the space, and you will no longer receive notifications on updates in the space.
Also, if you leave a space, you will disappear from the People section of the space portal.
Content displayed on a space portal