App Settings Items

Article Number:040603

This article describes the settings found on the App settings screen.

The app name and Notes for app administrators link are always displayed at the top of the App settings screen, no matter which tab is selected. For details on how to configure them, refer to the following pages.

All of the other settings in App settings are separated into the following four tabs.

The "Form" tab

On this tab, you can configure the form that is used for entering data in the app. For details on how to configure the settings on this tab, refer to the following page.
Configuring forms

The "Views" tab

On this tab, you can configure the display formats of the views that can be used to list records registered in the app. For details on how to configure the settings on this tab, refer to the following page.
Configuring views for the list of records

The "Graphs" tab

On this tab, you can configure the conditions for performing data aggregation (e.g., on numerical data or a number of records). You can display a chart that you've created by clicking the chart button on the View screen of an app and selecting the chart from the drop-down list. For details on how to configure charts, refer to the following page.
Creating charts on the "App settings" screen

The "App settings" tab

The settings that can be configured from the App settings tab are grouped under the following categories.

General settings

The following settings can be configured under General settings.


You can configure notifications to be sent out to app users (e.g., when records are edited or comments are posted on records).
It is also possible to set up reminder notifications that are sent based on the date and time information in records.
The following settings can be configured under Notifications.

Customization and integration

The following settings can be configured under Customization and integration.


The following settings can be configured under Permissions.

Advanced settings

The following settings can be configured under Advanced settings.


The following settings can be configured under Management.


You can delete an app from the App settings tab of the App settings screen. For details, refer to the following page.
Deleting an app