
Article Number:040539

Placing a "Text" field on your app form creates an input field that can be used for entering a single line of text. Line breaks cannot be entered in these fields.

You can also set formulas in "Text" fields. If you want a formula's calculation result to display a character string, set the formula in a "Text" field instead of a "Number" field. "Text" fields use the "string" data type.

"Text" field settings

Screenshot: The settings screen of a "Text" field


Specify the field name. The field name is displayed as the label of the field in the app.

Hide field name

Select this option to hide the field name on the following screens.

  • The "New Record" screen
  • The "Edit Record" screen
  • The "Record Details" screen
  • The screen for printing a record
  • The Form settings screen

Calculate automatically

Selecting this option allows you to set a formula.

Set a formula using the field codes of the fields that contain the data you want to calculate.
If you change the field code of a field specified in a formula, the change will also automatically be applied in the formula.

Hide formula

This option is displayed when the Calculate automatically checkbox is selected.
When the Hide formula checkbox is selected, the field's formula will not be displayed on the "New Record" or "Edit Record" screen.

Required field

Select this option to make entering a field value mandatory.

Prohibit duplicate values

When this option is selected, it will not be possible to enter the same value in multiple records. Also, the number of characters allowed for the field will be limited to 64 half-width or full-width characters.

Number of Characters

You can set the minimum and/or maximum number of characters allowed for the field.
When a minimum and/or maximum number of characters is set, it will be displayed under the field on the record's data entry screen.
If the number of characters entered in the field is not within the specified limits, an error appears when the record is saved.

If the Prohibit duplicate values checkbox is selected, set the character limit to be 64 characters or less.

Default Value

If you want to set a default value for the field, you can set it here.

Field Code

The character string used for specifying the field in APIs.

Usage Examples

Create input fields for entering single lines of text

You can use "Text" fields when you want to create input fields for entering single lines of text.
For example, you can create separate fields for entering a company name, department name, and contact name in a customer information app.

Screenshot: Example of using "Text" fields to enter a company name, department name, and contact name

You can also use a "Text" field as an input field for entering a value with a fixed number of characters, such as a product model number.
If you want the number of characters allowed in a field to be fixed, enter the same number for the Minimum and Maximum values of the Number of Characters setting. This way, the field will only accept values with that number of characters. You can also prevent the same value from being entered more than once by selecting the checkbox for Prohibit duplicate values.

Screenshot: Example of a "Text" field being used as a "Product model number" field

Create input fields for displaying calculated results as character strings

You can use a "Text" field when you want to set a formula that outputs calculation results as character strings.

For example, you can create a field that automatically displays the full names of users in an employee directory app by setting a formula that combines the first and last names entered in separate fields.

Screenshot: Example of a "Text" field being used to combine a first name and last name

To combine a first name and last name, place "First Name" and "Last Name" fields on an app form, then set the following formula in a "Full Name" field.

The content has been copied.

To display a space between the first name and last name, enter a space between the names in the formula.

The content has been copied.
First_Name&" "&Last_Name