
Article Number:040514

Placing an "Attachment" field on your app form creates an input field for attaching files.
Multiple files can be attached, and attached files can also be reordered.
An "Attachment" field

Field settings

Screenshot: The settings screen for the "Attachment" field

  • Name

    • Use this input field to specify the name that will be displayed for the "Attachment" field.
  • Hide field name

    • Select this option to hide the field name on the "New Record," "Edit Record," "Record Details," and record printing screens.
  • Required field

    • Select this option to require an attachment.
  • Thumbnail Size

    • Select the size of the thumbnail that is displayed when an image file is attached.
  • Field Code

    • This code is used for specifying the field in APIs.
      For details, refer to the following page.
      Overview of Field Codes

Using the "Attachment" field

You can use an "Attachment" field in the following ways on the "New Record", "Edit Record", and "Record Details" screens of an app.

Attach files

To attach files, click Browse in the "Attachment" field on the "New Record" or "Edit Record" screen, then select the files you want to attach.
You can attach any type of file, including Excel, Word, and PDF files. Screenshot: Clicking "Browse" to attach files You can also attach files by dragging and dropping the files onto Browse. Screenshot: Attaching a file by dragging and dropping it

Reorder attached files

To reorder attached files, open the "Add Record" or "Edit Record" screen, then reorder the files by dragging and dropping them. Screenshot: Reordering attached files by dragging and dropping them

Delete attached files

To delete attached files, open the "Add Record" or "Edit Record" screen, then click the Delete icon (the "X" icon) to the left of the files you want to delete. Screenshot: The "Delete" icon (the "X" icon) to the left of an attached file is outlined

Check and download attached files

On the "Record Details" screen, the name and size of attached files is displayed in the "Attachment" field.
You can download a file by clicking it. Screenshot: An example of multiple files

When you attach an image file, such as a company logo, the field displays a thumbnail of the attached image.
You can enlarge the image by clicking the thumbnail. Screenshot: Example of attaching an image file to the field