Is it possible to restart or extend the period of the free trial?

Article Number:040446

It is not possible to extend your 30-day kintone free trial.

However, you can create a new trial environment by signing up for a free trial again.
Note that, when you create a new trial environment, you cannot migrate the data created in your old trial environment to the new trial environment. Please add the data again in the new trial environment.

The following are the steps to sign up for a free trial.

  1. Log in to Store as a Store Administrator.

  2. Click Free Trial displayed at the top of the "Services License" screen.

  3. Select Create new domain with no data.

  4. Select kintone and click Try.
    An e-mail is sent to the Store administrator's e-mail address.

  5. Open the e-mail (Subject: [cybozu.com_Store]_Service has been prepared.), and access the URL contained in the e-mail.

  6. Enter the login name and temporary password provided in the e-mail and click Login.
    Screenshot: The login screen

  7. When available services are displayed, click kintone.
    Screenshot: "kintone" in the "Services" section is highlighted