Although the edit permission for a field is granted to the record creator, s/he cannot enter data into the field

Article Number:040245

The system does not know who is creating a record until the record is saved. Because of this, at the time of creating a record, the permission granted to the Created by user for records has not been applied yet.

For example, suppose that you have configured the following permissions for the "Orders of Business" field in the Daily Report app to allow only the user who create a record to edit the field.

Fields User, Group and Department to Grant Permissions To
Orders of Business
  • Created by: [✔] View [✔] Edit
  • Everyone: [✔] View [ ] Edit

In this case, the permission for "Everyone" is applied. This is because the Created by information is unknown at the time of creating a record. Therefore, no one can edit the "Orders of Business" field when creating a record.

As a workaround, you can use the Group selection field as shown in the following example.

Workaround: Using Group Selection Field

Basic Concept

This example shows how to configure permission to allow only the user who create a record to edit the "Orders of Business" field in Daily Report app.

As mentioned above, if you configure permissions as shown in the following image, no one can edit the "Orders of Business" field when creating a record.

Fields User, Group and Department to Grant Permissions To
Orders of Business
  • Created by: [✔] View [✔] Edit
  • Everyone: [✔] View [ ] Edit


Next, suppose that you selected Edit permission for "Everyone" to enable users to edit the "Orders of Business" field when creating a record. It ends up allowing everyone to edit the "Orders of Business" field when editing a record.

Fields User, Group and Department to Grant Permissions To
Orders of Business
  • Created by: [✔] View [✔] Edit
  • Everyone: [✔] View [✔] Edit


If you want to avoid this situation, you need to add a permission that gives a higher priority than "Everyone" and apply the permission to users other than who created a record. To do this, add a Group selection field on the form and configure "Everyone" as the default value, and then configure permission as shown below.

Fields User, Group and Department to Grant Permissions To
Orders of Business
  • Created by: [✔] View [✔] Edit
  • Group selection: [✔] View [  ] Edit
  • Everyone: [✔] View [✔] Edit

As a result, the permissions will be applied as shown below.

  • When creating a record:
    Permission for "Everyone" (at the bottom) is applied.
  • When editing a record:
    The "Created by" permission at the top is applied to the user who created the record, and the "Group selection" permission (Value: Everyone) in the second line is applied to other users.

Steps to Configure

  1. Open the Daily Report app and place a Group selection field on the form.

  2. In the settings of the Group selection field placed in step 1, configure "Name" and "Default Value" as shown below.

    • Name: Group Selection A
    • Default Value: Everyone
  3. Click Save Form.

  4. Click "App Settings" tab, and then select Fields under "Permissions".

  5. Configure permissions as shown below.

    Fields User, Group and Department to Grant Permissions To Description
    Orders of Business
    • Created by: [✔] View [✔] Edit
    • Group selection A: [✔] View [ ] Edit
    • Everyone: [✔] View [✔] Edit
    Permission when creating a record:
    Permission for "Everyone" at the bottom is applied (because the values for "Created by" and "Group selection A" have not been saved yet).

    Permission when editing a record:
    For the user who created the record, the "Created by" permission at the top is applied. For other users, "Group selection A" permission in the second line is applied (because both "Created by" and "Group selection A" values are saved in the record).
    Group selection A Everyone: [ ] View [ ] Edit This field must always retain the default value (Everyone) since it is used for the permission setting of the "Orders of Business" field. For this reason, the field must be configured in such a way as to restrict users from viewing and editing it.