kintone Administration

Article Number:040818

This article describes the audit logs that are generated when actions are performed on kintone Administration.

Module: "System administration"

Audit logs with the module "System administration" are shown below.

Action: "Admit creation space"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Admit creation space".

An audit log is generated when:

The "Create Guest Spaces" permission is changed.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • The user, department, or group to which the "Create Guest Spaces" permission was granted
  • The user, department, or group from which the "Create Guest Spaces" permission was removed

The user login name, department code, or group code that had its permission changed is displayed in the audit log.

Example of a generated log

granted users: [*], revoked users: [*]

Action: "Guest user two-step verification"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Guest user two-step verification".

An audit log is generated when:

The two-step verification setting for guest users is changed on the "Guest Authentication" screen.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • If the two-step verification was enabled: "enabled"
  • If the two-step verification was disabled: "disabled"

Example of a generated log


Action: "New feature update"

This section describes audit logs with the action "New feature update".

An audit log is generated when:

The Update Options settings are changed.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The enabled/disabled state of each setting after the change is displayed.

Either of the following is displayed as the state.

  • If the setting was enabled: true
  • If the setting was disabled: false

Example of a generated log

selected update channel: {monthly channel/current channel}, improved app settings design (improved line contrast) disabled: {true/false}, show error-causing field in "cannot prohibit duplicate values" error message disabled: {true/false}, enhanced field selection areas in app settings for easier identification of fields within tables, field groups, or related records disabled: {true/false}, receive "to me" notifications on desktop when kintone is opened in web browser disabled: {true/false}, improved app settings design (updated button and form shapes) disabled: {true/false}, improved app settings design (improved keyboard operability for dropdown components) disabled: {true/false}, improved app settings design (improved keyboard operability for user/department/group selection components) disabled: {true/false}, improved app settings design (implementing kanatype-insensitive search for search components) disabled: {true/false}, improved app settings design (improved keyboard operability for menu components) disabled: {true/false}, improved app settings design (enhanced radio button visibility in windows high contrast mode) disabled: {true/false}, changes to design and layout of view settings screen disabled: {true/false}, changes in the design and layout of "graph" screens in app settings disabled: {true/false}, find fields to place in the view with keyword search on "view" settings screen disabled: {true/false}, show user profile pop-ups disabled: {true/false}, preserve column widths when starting inline record editing on app's view screen disabled: {true/false}, rest api for creating a space thread disabled: {true/false}, improved keyboard operability for global navigation area disabled: {true/false}, remove feature tour feature disabled: {true/false}, show app title bar on in-space apps disabled: {true/false}, display name of category that cannot be deleted in error message when category deletion attempt fails disabled: {true/false}, more rest apis executable via oauth clients disabled: {true/false}, the "only allow space administrators to create apps" setting retrievable with rest api for getting space information disabled: {true/false}, rest api for updating space settings disabled: {true/false}, rest api for getting/updating notes for app administrators disabled: {true/false}, REST API for getting plug-ins added to an app disabled: {true/false}, REST API for changing space where app belongs disabled: {true/false}, ability to change already set app codes disabled: {true/false}, permitted apps for each plug-in configurable in kintone administration disabled: {true/false}, improved app settings design (improved text contrast) disabled: {true/false}, intuitive flow chart for process management settings disabled: {true/false}, new feature disabled by default: {true/false}, changes to content and display of trial environment disabled: {true/false}, product update feedback/survey forms (only available in japanese) disabled: {true/false}, more items retrievable/updatable with rest api for getting/updating general settings enabled: {true/false}, enable/disable settings for inline record editing and deleting on app's "view" screen enabled: {true/false}, show multiple record import errors enabled: {true/false}, new file import method enabled: {true/false}, system monitoring enabled: {true/false}, show date and time values in "DD MM YYYY" format when browser's language setting is set to english (australia) enabled: {true/false}, "header color" screen design and layout change enabled: {true/false}, seamlessly start inline record editing by double-clicking on field values on app's view screen enabled: {true/false}, evaluate if value data types and operators are compatible when they are being entered together in a formula enabled: {true/false}, show app references in app settings enabled: {true/false}, javascript api for getting logged-in user permissions for currently opened record enabled: {true/false}, javascript api for getting logged-in user’s app permissions enabled: {true/false}, javascript api for showing/hiding sidebar of currently opened record enabled: {true/false}, javascript api for showing/hiding add record button in custom view enabled: {true/false}, javascript api for showing/hiding edit record button enabled: {true/false}, javascript api for getting space information enabled: {true/false}, rest api for adding a plug-in enabled: {true/false}, rest api for getting plug-ins Registered enabled: {true/false}, rest api for getting required plug-ins enabled: {true/false}, rest api for getting apps that have a specified plug-in added enable: {true/false}, javascript api for getting general information of an app enabled: {true/false}, rest api for creating a space without specifying a space template enabled: {true/false}, REST API for getting/updating categories settings enabled: {true/false}, REST API for adding plug-ins to an app enabled: {true/false}, REST API for getting/updating app's plug-in settings enabled: {true/false}

Action: "Feature update"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Feature update".

An audit log is generated when:

The Feature Activation settings are changed.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The enabled/disabled state of each setting after the change is displayed.

Either of the following is displayed as the state.

  • If the setting was enabled: true
  • If the setting was disabled: false

Example of a generated log

mail notification: {true/false} (include official api: {true/false}), space: {true/false}, allow create apps out of space: {true/false}, guest space: {true/false}, people: {true/false}, mail type: {text/html}, allow mail type personalization: {true/false}, mail personal setting:{none/mention}

Action: "Mobile setting update"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Mobile setting update".

An audit log is generated when:

The Default View for Mobile Browsers settings are changed.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • The default view for mobile browsers
  • Whether or not users are allowed to switch between mobile-optimized view and desktop view

Example of a generated log

default view: {PC/MOBILE}, user setting: {true/false}

Action: "App group delete"

This section describes audit logs with the action "App group delete".

An audit log is generated when:

An app group is deleted.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • App group ID
  • App group name

Example of a generated log

app group id: *, app group name: *

Action: "Template import"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Template import".

An audit log is generated when:

An app template is added via the importing of an app template file.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • Template ID
  • Template name
  • File name

Example of a generated log

(template id: *, template name: *), filename: *

Action: "Template export"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Template export".

An audit log is generated when:

An app template is exported to a file.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • Template ID
  • Template name
  • File name

Example of a generated log

(template id: *, template name: *), filename: *

Action: "Plug-in installed"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Plug-in installed".

An audit log is generated when:

A plug-in is installed.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • Plug-in ID
  • Plug-in name

Example of a generated log

plugin id: *, plugin name: *

Action: "Plug-in removed"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Plug-in removed".

An audit log is generated when:

A plug-in is uninstalled.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • Plug-in ID
  • Plug-in name

Example of a generated log

plugin id: *, plugin name: *

Action: "Plugin list export"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Plugin list export".

An audit log is generated when:

The list of plug-ins is downloaded in CSV format.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The file name is displayed.

Example of a generated log

filename: *

Plug-in setting update

This section describes audit logs with the action "Plug-in setting update".

An audit log is generated when:

A plug-in's settings for allowed apps are saved.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • Plug-in ID
  • Plug-in name

Example of a generated log

plugin id: *, plugin name: *

Action: "App list export"

This section describes audit logs with the action "App list export".

An audit log is generated when:

The apps list is downloaded in CSV format.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The file name is displayed.

Example of a generated log

filename: *

Action: "Space list export"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Space list export".

An audit log is generated when:

The list of spaces is downloaded in CSV format.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The file name is displayed.

Example of a generated log

filename: *

Action: "User usage list exported"

This section describes audit logs with the action "User usage list exported".

An audit log is generated when:

The list of user access is downloaded in CSV format.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The file name is displayed.

Example of a generated log

filename: *

Module: "Space template"

Audit logs with the module "Space template" are shown below.

Action: "Space Template export"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Space Template export".

An audit log is generated when:

A space template is exported to a file from the Space Templates settings screen.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The template name is displayed.

Example of a generated log

name: *

Action: "Space Template import"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Space Template import".

An audit log is generated when:

A space template file is imported on the Space Templates settings screen.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The template name is displayed.

Example of a generated log

name: *

Action: "Space Template delete"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Space Template delete".

An audit log is generated when:

A space template is deleted on the Space Templates settings screen.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The template name is displayed.

Example of a generated log

name: *

Module: "Guest management"

Audit logs with the module "Guest management" are shown below.

Action: "Guest status update"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Guest status update".

An audit log is generated when:

A guest user's status is changed on the Guest Management settings screen.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • Guest user login name
  • Status

Either of the following is displayed as the status.

  • If the status was changed to Active: "true"
  • If the status was changed to Inactive: "false"

Example of a generated log

login name: *, status: {true/false}

Action: "Guest password update"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Guest password update".

An audit log is generated when:

A guest user's password is changed on the Guest Management settings screen.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The guest user's login name is displayed.

Example of a generated log

login name: *

Action: "Delete guest"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Delete guest".

An audit log is generated when:

A guest user is deleted on the Guest Management settings screen.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The guest user's login name is displayed.

Example of a generated log

login name: *

Action: "Guest list export"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Guest list export".

An audit log is generated when:

The Guest User list is downloaded in CSV Format on the Guest Management settings screen.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The file name is displayed.

Example of a generated log

filename: *


The properties displayed in the Complement section of the audit log details are as follows.

"app group id"

Indicates app group IDs.

"app group name"

Indicates app group names.

"default view"

Indicates the default view for mobile browsers.


Indicates file names.

"granted users"

Indicates login names, department codes, or group codes to which the "Create Guest Spaces" permission was granted.

"login name"

Indicates the login names of guest users.


Indicates space template names.

"plugin id"

Indicates plug-in IDs.

"plugin name"

Indicates plug-in names.

"revoked users"

Indicates login names, department codes, or group codes from which the "Create Guest Spaces" permission was removed.


Indicates the statuses of guest users.

"template id"

Indicates app template IDs.

"template name"

Indicates app template names.

"user setting"

Indicates whether or not users are allowed to switch between the mobile-optimized view and desktop view.