Checking the Usage Status of Plug-Ins

Article Number:0405

You can check the usage status of plug-ins on the "Plug-ins" screen of kintone Administration. This article describes the details of the "Plug-ins" screen and how to find out which apps a plug-in is added to.

Details of the "Plug-ins" screen

The "Plug-ins" screen of kintone Administration displays the sections listed below. The sections are not displayed if no applicable plug-in exists.

(1) Not Installed
(2) Imported Plug-ins
(3) Plug-in Marketplace
Screenshot: The (1) "Not Installed", (2) "Imported Plug-ins", and (3) "Plug-in Marketplace" sections are highlighted in red on the "Plug-ins" screen

(1) Not Installed

This section displays plug-ins that are added to apps but are not installed in kintone. The plug-ins displayed in this section are not capable of being used in apps.

In order to make these plug-ins available in apps, you need to install them in one of the following ways.

  • If Install is displayed in the Status column:
    Click Install.
  • If "Unable to install." is displayed in the Status column:
    Install the plug-in again by importing the plug-in file.

(2) Imported Plug-ins

This section displays plug-ins imported from plug-in files.
You can check the version and description of each plug-in. Clicking Allowed Apps under a plug-in's name lets you check and configure the apps and spaces allowed to use the plug-in.

(3) Plug-in Marketplace

This section displays native kintone plug-ins.
You can check the version and the description of each plug-in.
Clicking Install in the Status column of a plug-in lets you install the plug-in for free.
If an app's status is "Installed", you can click Allowed Apps to check and configure the apps and spaces allowed to use the plug-in.

Finding out which app a plug-in is added to

If a plug-in has been added to any apps, the apps are displayed in the Apps Need This Plug-in or Apps That Have This Plug-in Added column on the "Plug-ins" screen.
If you are a Users & System Administrator, the names of the apps are displayed. When you click an app name, the "App Settings" screen of the app opens.
If you do not have the Users & System administrative permission, the number of apps to which the plug-in is added is displayed. The name of the apps is not displayed.

Users & System Administrators can also download a list of plug-ins in CSV format.
For details, refer to the following page.
Downloading List of Plug-ins in CSV Format