Logging in to cybozu.com for the First Time

Article Number:020420
Intended audience: All

This page describes how to log in to cybozu.com.

Logging in to cybozu.com for the First Time

  1. Receive the following information from your administrator:

    • Login URL
    • Login Name
    • Password
  2. Access the login URL.

  3. Enter your login name and password, and then click Login.
    Screenshot: The login screen. The fields to enter login name and password are displayed.

  4. Set your new password.
    The maximum number of characters and the types of characters you can use for a password configured by the administrator are displayed. Screenshot: Screen to change password: The requirements for allowed password are highlighted

  5. Click Save to log in to cybozu.com.

When the "Configure the two-factor authentication" message is displayed

When the "Configure the two-factor authentication" message is displayed during your login attempt, you need to configure the two-factor authentication.
Configuration Steps for Two-Factor Authentication When Requested

Logging Out

  1. Click your user name in the header, or the button to open the menu on the right side of the user name.

  2. Click Logout.

If You Cannot Log In

Refer to the following page or contact your administrator.

Problems with Logging In

Information Displayed in "Notices"

The information about updates or maintenances is displayed in https://(subdomain name).cybozu.com. You cannot hide them.

Screenshot: "Notices" is highlighted