When Department Administrators Add Different Department Administrators

Article Number:020435

This page describes the steps for department administrators to add new administrators.

Departments to Which New Administrators Can Be Added

A department administrator can add new administrators for the departments and their child departments, for which the department administrator has administrative privileges.

Users Who Can Be Assigned As Department Administrators

  • Users who belong to the departments for which the existing department administrator has administrative privileges
  • Users who do not belong to any department


  1. Access the following URL: https://(subdomain_name).cybozu.com/

  2. Click cybozu.com Administration.
    Screenshot: "cybozu.com Administration" button

  3. Click Departments & Users.

  4. Click the gear-shaped icon on the department to which you want to add a department administrator.
    Screenshot: The gear-shaped icon is highlighted

  5. Click Department Administrators.
    Department Administrators is only visible for the departments with administrative privilege.
    Screenshot: how to find and click "Department Administrators" in the target department

  6. Enter a display name or a login name of the user in the search box to search the target user.
    Moreover, you can expand the department tree and find the target user.

  7. Select the users you want to add as department administrators.
    Screenshot: Selecting target users

  8. Click Add.
    Screenshot: "Add" is highlighted
    The users selected in Step 7 are displayed in "Department Administrators of 'the selected department'".
    Screenshot: Target users are displayed in the "Department Administrators" section

  9. Click Save.

  10. Provide the usage information and other necessary information to the newly added department administrators as needed.