Configuring IP Address Restrictions

Article Number:02041
Intended audience: Administrators Store Administrators

This page describes the procedure to set up IP addresses from which users can access

Users Who Can Configure IP Address Restrictions

  • Store Administrators
  • Administrators who have permission to configure access control

Configuration Steps

When Store Administrators Configure This Feature

  1. Log in to Store.
    Logging in to Store

  2. Click Domains.

  3. Click the "Security & Authentication" tab.
    Select the domain you want from the dropdown list, if multiple domains are owned. Screenshot: The "Security & Authentication" tab is highlighted

  4. In the "IP Address Restrictions" section, click Change.
    Screenshot: "Change" is highlighted

  5. Select "Allow specific IP addresses" and enter the IP addresses to allow access.
    Items for Configuring IP Addresses
    You can also use a CSV file to import the settings in bulk.
    Configuring Multiple Items Using a CSV File

    Screenshot: "Allow specific IP addresses" is selected

  6. Check the information you entered and then click Save.
    Once the configuration completes, an email is sent to the email address of Store Administrator.

When Administrators Configure This Feature

  1. Click the gear-shaped menu button in the header.

  2. Click Users & System Administration.

  3. Click Access Control. Screenshot: "Access Control" is highlighted

  4. Click Configure Now or Go to the Store.
    The appearance of this link varies depending on the settings of Store.
    Screenshot: "Configure Now" is highlighted Screenshot: "Go to the Store" is highlighted

  5. For the subsequent procedures, refer to "When Store Administrators Configure This Feature".

Configuring Multiple Items Using a CSV File

You can specify IP addresses to allow access using a CSV file.

The following is an example of allowing access from the addresses and
The first row should be a header row, followed by the IP address rows in the second row and underneath.

The content has been copied.
"IP Address","CIDR","Memo"
"","","Tokyo office"
"","24","Osaka office"

The specifications of CSV files you can import are follows:

Character Encoding
Newline Character
Maximum File Size
Maximum Row Number
2,900 rows (not including the header row)
Maximum Number of Characters in Memo
100 characters

Items for Configuring IP Addresses

IP Address

Enter the global IP addresses in the IPv4 format to allow access. The IPv6 format is not supported.
You can specify up to 2,900 IP addresses.


Enter the prefix to specify IP addresses using the CIDR notation.


Enter a memo about the IP address.
You can enter up to 100 characters.

When You Failed to Configure IP Address Restrictions

If you become unable to access, restore the IP address restrictions settings.
The Settings Were Incomplete or Invalid When Allowing IP Addresses