Getting Started

Logging In

This section describes how to access Garoon using a Web browser.

This section assumes that Garoon has been installed in the default directory.


Access the following URL in a Web browser:

  • Windows servers:
    http://(server's IP address or host name)/scripts/cbgrn/grn.exe

  • Linux servers:
    http://(server's IP address or host name)/cgi-bin/cbgrn/grn.cgi


Enter your login name and password, and click "Login".
If your password has expired, you are prompted to enter a new password.

Contact your system administrator to obtain your login name and password.

Supported Web Browsers

Information on supported Web browsers can be found on our website.
This website is currently available only in Japanese.

  • Information on setting up your Web browser can be found on our website.
    Setting Up Your Web Browser:

  • The following message may appear if you have logged in using an unsupported Web browser:
    "Your Web browser is not supported. Some functions may not work correctly."
    This message will be displayed for approximately five seconds.

Logging Out

Click your user name displayed in the upper right corner, and click "Logout".

Display Overview

This section describes how to use the main Garoon screen.


The default application names for Garoon are as follows:

Icon Application name (default) Icon Application name (default)
Portal Portal Space Space
Bookmarks Bookmarks Scheduler Scheduler
Messages Messages Bulletin Board Bulletin Board
Cabinet Cabinet Memo Memo
Phone Messages Phone Messages Timesheet Timesheet
To-Do List To-Do List Address Book Address Book
E-mail E-mail Workflow Workflow
MultiReport MultiReport RSS Reader RSS Reader
Presence Indicators Presence indicators Favorite Favorite
Responses Like Notifications Notifications
  • Depending on the settings chosen by the system administrator or the user's language settings, the displayed application names may differ from those used in this help.

  • This help uses the default application names in all descriptions.

Top Page

The top page is the screen displayed after the user logs in. If a portal is set up, the portal is displayed.

Top Page:

Top Page


The parts displayed on the top page vary depending on the settings chosen by the system administrator or the user's personal settings.

No. Part Description
1 Logo Displays the top page.The system administrator can set the logo.
2 Updates Displays update notifications.
To display the latest notifications, click "Updates" at the top of the "Updates" window.
If you have more than 99 updates, the number of updates is displayed as "99+".
3 Responses Click to display a list of responses to your comments from users.
4 My spaces Displays a list of spaces that you are a member of.
5 App menu1 This drop-down list allows users to navigate Garoon applications.Applications can be hidden by the system administrator, or by yourself through your Personal settings.
6 User name Displays your user profile in your personal settings.
Edit Edits your user profile in your personal settings.
Language & Time zone Changes the display language and the time zone.
Change password Changes your login password for Garoon.
Design settings Changes your screen design.
Personal settings Changes your personal settings.
Help Displays Garoon online help in a new window when clicked.
Logout Logs out from Garoon.
7 System settings Displays the system administration screen for Garoon when clicked.
This item is displayed only for the users who have administrative privileges for Garoon.
Help This item is displayed only for the users who have administrative privileges for Garoon.
Displays administrator help in a new window.
8 Application menu This menu allows users to navigate Garoon applications.
Hides the application menu.
Shows the application menu.
9 Portal Indicates prearranged portlets.
10 User area This area is used for adding new appointments, checking updates, and so on.

1: Clicking "Facilities" displays the "Scheduler" screen on which you can reserve facilities.

User icons

Icon Description
A user other than the current user A user other than the current user
The current user The current user
An inactive user An inactive user or a removed user

Display language

The priority of display languages is given in the following order:

The display language can be overridden in your personal settings.
"Setting Up Locale"

User Name Display Options

User names can be displayed in one of the following patterns:

User name display options can be modified in your personal settings.
"Configuring Display and Input Entries"

The system administrator can configure to hide information after the user name, or to display only the English name.

Displaying List

By selecting list items, you can delete, move, or sort several items at once. You can set the number of items displayed in a list in your Personal settings.

Messages screen:

Messages screen


No. Part Description
1 Navigational links These links become active if there are more items than the items per page limit.
2 Items per page limit Indicates the maximum number of items per page.
3 Sorts in descending order.
The list is sorted in descending order. When clicked, the list is sorted in ascending order.
The list is sorted in ascending order. When clicked, the list is sorted in descending order.
4 Select all Selects all visible items in the list. This does not select items that are in other pages.
Clicking "Select all" the second time clears the selection.
5 Sort buttons In Messages and E-mail, you can sort items using the sort button.
The button toggles when clicked.
Messages: Updated time or Created time
E-mails: "Sent" or "Received"