Using Spaces

Adding Spaces

This topic describes how to add spaces through the "Space" screen.


On the "Space" screen, click "New space".
Alternatively, you can add spaces through the following screens:

  • "Appointment details" screen of Scheduler

  • "Messages details" screen of Messages


Enter the space name.
To add names in multiple languages, click "Add localized name" in Name.


Specify a category for the new space.
The default category is "General". To change the category, click "Change".


Add members to the space.
When you add a space through the "Appointment details" screen, the attendees of the appointment are assigned as the space members.
When you add a space through the "Message details" screen, users entered in "To" of the message are assigned as the space members.


Select whether to assign space administrators.
To assign space administrators, select the "Set space administrators" check box, and select and add the users you want to assign as the space administrators.
The space administrators can delete the space and discussions in the space, and change the space members.
Not selecting the check box sets all the space members as the space administrators.


Select an icon.
This icon is displayed to the left of the space name in the list of spaces and notifications. It is useful for identifying the space.


Select visibility.

  • Public: All users who are logged in to Garoon can view the space.

  • Private: Only space members can view the space.


Click "Add".

  • Adding a new space will add a discussion with the space name as its default subject.
    You can edit the subject to meet the space purpose.

  • You cannot delete the default discussion that is added along with the space.

Who are Space Administrators?

Space administrators are the users who can do the following in their space:

Duplicating Spaces

You can duplicate space information and discussions.
To add a new space using an existing space, click "Duplicate space" on the details page of the space.
The following information is automatically entered in the space created by the duplication:

Editing Spaces

Click "Edit" on the "space details" screen, and edit the space name and members. Only the space members and the system administrator can edit spaces.
You can add notes to the space if required.

Deleting Spaces

To delete a space, click "Delete" on the "space details" screen.
When one or more space administrators exist, only the system administrator and the space administrators can delete the space.
Otherwise, the system administrator and all the space members can delete the space.

If you delete a space, all discussions, To-Dos, attachments, and other data in the space will also be deleted.
Space deletions are permanent.

Checking Space Members

You can check space members using either of the following procedures:

Joining a Space

Users can join the space as a member when all of the following conditions are met:

To join the space, click one of the following links:

"Join space" is not displayed for spaces where members are not allowed to join and leave.

Leaving a Space

You can leave the space that you are a member of. You may not be able to leave the space depending on the space settings and on whether you are joining as a user, as an organization, or as a role.
See the following section for details:
"Notes on Space Members"

To leave the space, click one of the following links:

Notes on Space Members

Features available for the space differ depending on whether you are joining as a user, as an organization, or as a role.

Space Members

a): Users who are joining as an organization are set as members.
b): Users who are joining as a role are set as members.
c): Users who are joining as users are set as members.

Actions that are allowed to members who are joining as organizations, roles, or users:

Joining as Operations allowed:
Join the space Leave the space Manage discussions Actions for shared To-Dos
Organization or role Not possible Not possible
User 1 2

✔: This action is possible.
1: Users can join the space as a member when all of the following conditions are met:

  • The target space is public.

  • The user who created the space or one of the space administrators allows members to join and leave the space.

2: Users can leave the space if the user who created the space or one of the space administrators allows members to join and leave the space.

If the Member Is Joining as a User As Well As an Organization or a Role

The member who is joining as a user can use the same features as members who are joining as an organization or a role.
Furthermore, the user can leave the space if members are allowed to join and leave the space.
Even if the user is removed from the organization or role, the user can still continue to use the same features.

The following is an example of the allowed actions of "User A" before and after moving from an organization called "Sales Dept.":

If the Member Is Joining as an Organization or a Role

The member who is joining as an organization or a role not as a user can use the same features as the member who is joining as a user.
However, the following actions are not allowed:

The following is an example of the allowed actions of "User A" before and after moving from an organization called "Sales Dept.":

Using Respond Feature

You can make a quick response to a comment by clicking a link such as "Like" and "Acknowledged".
The respond feature is available in discussions, and body texts and comments in shared To-Dos.

  • The system administrator can deactivate the respond feature.

Making Responses by Respond Feature

Under the body text or comment where you want to respond, click "Like".
The system administrator may use a word other than "Like".
To cancel your response, click "Not Like".
"Using Respond ("Like") Feature"

Making Responses by Respond Feature

a): Clicking this icon displays a list of the "Like" responses to this comment.