Using My Portal

This section describes how to use My Portal. My Portal is set up in your Personal settings.

Adding My Portals

Creates a portal specifically for myself (My Portal).
Allocating frequently used applications and functions to My Portal permits any function to be available for quick use.
My Portal can be used only by the user who created it.

To add my portals:


Click the user name in the upper right corner of the screen, then click "Personal settings" in the drop down list.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click, "Setting of each application" > "Portal" > "My Portal list".


Click "Add My Portal" on the "My Portal list" screen.


Enter the name of My Portal on the "Add My Portal" screen, and click "Add".


Confirm that the added My Portal is displayed on the "My Portal list" screen.

My Portal can also be added by clicking menu > "Add My Portal" on the "Portal" screen.

Adding Portlets

Portlets of frequently used applications and functions can be allocated to the added My Portal.
The portlet can be allocated using drag and drop.

The following portlets are available in Garoon:

1: Settings of some items are required when you add this portlet.

To add portlets:


Click the My Portal name on the "My Portal list" screen.

Select the portal layout from the "Layout" drop down list on the "My Portal details" screen, and then click "Apply".
  • Refer to the following page regarding the each part of the "My Portal details" screen:
    My Portal Details Screen

  • Some layouts cannot be selected if portlets have already been allocated to the lower columns B, C or D.

  • If "Not specified" is selected, the column width is set automatically to match the allocated portlet.


Select a portlet from the portlet list on the left of the screen, and with the portlet still clicked, drag it to the allocated location and release click.


If required, a portlet can be set by clicking setting on the top right of the portlet, then "Settings".
The settings vary depending on the portlet.


Click "Preview" to confirm the display of My Portal.
The preview screen is displayed on a new tab.


Repeat steps 3 through 5 above to allocate the required portlets.

To allocate a portlet to My Portal using a tablet device, tap "Allocate new portlet" on the "My Portal details" screen and select the portlet to be allocated.
The display order of portlets can be changed by tapping "Reorder".

Editing My Portal

This explains how to rename the display names of My Portal or portlets, and how to delete a portlet allocated to My Portal.
Portals created by the system administrator cannot be edited.

Renaming Portlets

Renames the display name of a portlet allocated to My Portal.

To rename portlets:


Display the portal to be renamed on the "Portal" screen, then click menu > "Portal settings".


On the "My Portal details" screen, click setting of the portlet to be renamed, then click "Rename".


Enter the display name and click "Save".
You can select the "Show only folder name" or "Show only category name" option, if necessary.


Confirm the result of the change on the "My Portal details" screen.

Renaming My Portal

Renames My Portal.

To rename My Portal:


Display the portal to be renamed on the "Portal" screen, and click, menu > "Portal settings".


On the "My Portal details" screen, click "Rename".


Enter My Portal name and click "Save".


Confirm the result of the change on the "My Portal details" screen.

Deleting Portlet

Deletes a portlet allocated to My Portal.
Deleted portlets cannot be restored.

To delete a portlet:


Display the portal from which the portlet is to be deleted on the "Portal" screen and click menu > "Portal settings".


Click the setting of the portlet to be deleted on the "My Portal details" screen, then click "Delete".


Click "Yes" on the confirmation screen.
To cancel the deletion, click "No".

Reordering My Portal

Re-orders My Portals.
The display order of My Portals is reflected in the order of the My Portal tabs displayed on the "Portal" screen.

To reorder My Portals:


Click "Reorder My Portals" on the "My Portal list" screen.


Change the order, then click "Save".

Initializing My Portal

When My Portal is initialized, the allocation of all portlets will be canceled.
Note that depending on the settings chosen by the system administrator, some portlets may remain even after My portal has been initialized.
My Portals that have been initialized cannot be restored.

To initialize My Portal:


Click the name of the My Portal to be initialized on the "My Portal list" screen.


Click "Initialize My Portal" on the "My Portal details" screen.


Click "Yes" on the confirmation screen.
To stop initialization, click "No".

Deleting My Portals

The following methods are available for deleting My Portals:

  • Deleting an individual My Portal.

  • Selecting multiple My Portals for batch deletion

If a My Portal is deleted, all portlets in that My Portal are deleted.
Deleted My Portals cannot be restored.

Deleting My Portlet Individually

Deletes an individual My Portal.

To delete My Portlet individually:


Click the My Portal name on the "My Portal list" screen.


Click "Delete My Portal".


Click "Yes" on the confirmation screen.
To cancel the deletion, click "No".

Deleting My Portals

Select multiple My Portals and delete.

To delete My Portals:


On the "My Portal list" screen, select the check boxes of the My Portals to be deleted and click "Delete".


Click "Yes" on the confirmation screen.
To cancel the deletion, click "No".

Types of Portlets

This section describes the characteristics of each portlet and the items that you must configure.

Application Menu Portlet

The Application menu portlet displays an application menu on a portal.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Notices Portlet

The Notices portlet displays notices on a portal. You can input text to display on the portal.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Calendars Portlet

The Calendars portlet displays a calendar on a portlet.
If a Scheduler portlet is allocated in the same portal and you change the display settings of the Calendar portlet, the display of the Scheduler portlet is also changed.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

  • To display Rokuyo and weather forecasts, you must setup Cybozu Online Service.

  • Cybozu Online Service is available only to users in Japan.

Quick Send Portlet

The Quick send portlet displays a screen to quickly create and send messages or e-mails.
Contains the following links:

  • Compose Messages

  • Compose E-mail

This portlet has no settings.

Shared To-Dos (Assigned to me) Portlet

The Shared To-Dos (Assigned to me) portlet displays the uncompleted To-Do tasks assigned to you. A maximum of 20 tasks are displayed.


Only the display names can be changed for this portlet.

Shared To-Dos (Created by me) Portlet

The Shared To-Dos (Created by me) portlet displays the To-Do tasks created by you. Completed To-Dos are also displayed. A maximum of 20 tasks are displayed.


Only the display names can be changed for this portlet.

Bookmarks Portlet

The Bookmarks portlet is a portlet used to display links of a selected category to websites.
When no categories are selected on the "Portlet settings" screen, links in the Personal root category are displayed.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Scheduler (Group Day View) Portlet

The Scheduler (Group day view) portlet displays a daily planner for each group.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Scheduler (Group Week View) Portlet

The Scheduler (Group week view) portlet displays a weekly planner for each group.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Scheduler (Day View) Portlet

The Scheduler (Day view) portlet displays a daily planner of a user or facility.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Scheduler (Week View) Portlet

The Scheduler (Week view) portlet displays a weekly planner of a user or facility.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Scheduler (Month View) Portlet

The Scheduler (Month view) portlet displays a monthly planner of a user or facility.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Scheduler (Year View) Portlet

The Scheduler (Year view) portlet displays upcoming holidays and events that are registered in calendars.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Scheduler Search Portlet

The Scheduler search portlet searches the schedulers of a user or facility. You can search multiple users and facilities by using spaces between keywords.
This portlet has no settings.

Messages Portlet

The Messages portlet displays messages of a selected folder such as Inbox, Sent items, and Draft.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Unacknowledged Messages Portlet

The Unacknowledged Messages portlet displays unacknowledged messages.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Messages Acknowledgment Status Portlet

The Messages acknowledgment status portlet is used to confirm the acknowledgment status on messages that you have sent.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Bulletin Board Portlet

The Bulletin Board portlet displays topics of a selected category.
No topics are displayed when no categories are selected on the "Portlet settings" screen.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Unacknowledged topics portlet

Unacknowledged topics portlet displays the unread topics of which you have been set as a recipient.
Once you display the "Topic details" screen of an unread topic, the topic will be removed from the Unacknowledged topics portlet.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Cabinet Portlet

The Cabinet portlet displays the contents of a selected folder.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Memo Portlet

The Memo portlet displays a text box where you can add a memo.
The portlet displays only the last memo saved in the portlet. Memos added in the Memo application are not displayed in the Memo portlet.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Phone Messages Portlet

The Phone Messages portlet adds and displays phone messages to a selected user.
When a user has e-mail forwarding set up, (E-mail forwarding) is displayed next to the user name.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Timesheet Portlet

The Timesheet portlet is used to record the hours that you worked on the timesheet.
This portlet has no settings.

To-Do List Portlet

The To-Do List portlet displays uncompleted To-Do items.
Uncompleted To-Do items are displayed using the following colors:

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

User List Portlet

The User list portlet displays a list of users.
If presence information is displayed in the portlet, you can edit the status of users who designated you as a proxy.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Address Book Search Portlet

The Address Book search portlet searches information registered in Address Book.
This portlet has no settings.

Presence Information Portlet

The presence information portlet is used to set your status. Your status is reflected on the "User information", "User list", and "Phone Messages" screens.
This portlet has no settings.

Newly Arriving E-mail Portlet

The Newly arriving E-mail portlet displays new e-mails of selected account.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

E-mail Portlet

The E-mail portlet displays e-mails in the folders of a selected e-mail account.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Weather Forecast Portlet

The Weather forecast portlet displays weather forecasts of the selected cities. Weather forecasts are displayed only when you select forecasting cities.
You can select cities only in Japan for forecasts.
This weather forecast is displayed using Cybozu Online Service. Cybozu Online Service is available only in Japanese and searches only location within Japan.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Workflow Portlet

The Workflow portlet displays requests of a selected folder.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

MultiReport Portlet

The MultiReport portlet displays reports from selected report types or filters.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

RSS Reader Sites List Portlet

The RSS Reader sites list portlet displays the list of feeds that are registered in RRS Reader.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

RSS Reader Latest List Portlet

The RSS Reader latest list portlet displays the list of the latest feeds in selected sites. No feeds are displayed when no sites are selected.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Favorite Portlet

The Favorite portlet displays the pages of applications that you have added to Favorite

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen

Updates Portlet

The Updates portlet displays notifications from the following applications:

These notifications are removed from the portlet when you confirm the content. You can still view confirmed notifications on the "Notifications" screen.
The time displayed next to the portlet title is the time when the page was last updated.

Entries On the Portlet Settings Screen1

1: The system administrator can prohibit users from changing the Updates portlet settings added in My Portals.

2: You cannot reorder the External notifications. External notifications are displayed under application notifications.

Confirmed Notifications Portlet

The Confirmed notifications portlet displays confirmed notifications.

Entries on the Portlet Settings Screen