Using E-mail

Receiving E-mails

On the "E-mail" screen, you can receive new e-mails by clicking one of the following buttons:

Recipients Display

When there are more than two recipients, the following icons and links are displayed:

"To:" or "Cc:" do not appear on the screen if no recipient is appointed in the "To:" or "Cc:" column.
The recipients set in the "Bcc:" field by the sender are not displayed to the recipients of the e-mail.


In the "Show preview" mode, attachments are displayed at the both top and bottom of the e-mail body in the "E-mail details" screen.
In the "Hide preview" mode, the attachments are displayed only at the bottom of the e-mail body.
You can delete attachments by clicking "Delete attachments". However, you cannot delete attachments individually. When e-mails have multiple attachments, all attachments are deleted by clicking "Delete attachments".

  • The following functions are disabled when attachments are deleted from an e-mail:

    • Displaying the e-mail Source

    • Changing the character encoding

    • Saving the e-mail as a text file

    • If the character code of an e-mail is Windows-874, the language is considered as Thai.

Troubleshooting Incoming E-mails

Problems in receiving e-mails can be caused by any of the following:

See the followings for details of each scenario.

The Size of Incoming E-mail Exceeds the Maximum Size of Incoming E-mail

The system administrator may have set the total size of e-mails a user can save, or the maximum size of a received e-mail.
If either the total size of emails that a user can save or the maximum size of a received e-mail is set, user cannot receive e-mails that exceeds the size limit.

You can manage unreceived e-mails using the following actions:

If the Total Size of E-mails Exceeds the Size Limit

When the size of saved e-mails for the user exceeds the total size of e-mails set by the system administrator, you cannot send or receive e-mails.
You can send and receive e-mails again by deleting unneeded e-mails to decrease the size of saved e-mails.

If You Received Partitioned E-mails

You cannot receive partitioned e-mails.
The following message appears when you receive a partitioned e-mail:

"This e-mail has been broken apart by certain mailer software.
This application cannot display e-mails that have been broken apart by certain mailer softwares.
E-mail details can be displayed in "View source". "

Click "View source" on the "E-mail details" screen to view the content of the partitioned e-mail.

If Received E-mails Are Still Left On the E-mail Server

You cannot receive a large volume of e-mail at once.
To receive a large volume of e-mail, click "Receive new e-mail" repeatedly on the "E-mail details" screen.

When You Receive External Notifications

When external notifications are enabled by the system administrator, you can receive notifications from systems other than Garoon.
The following message appears when you receive external notifications:

"Received N external notifications. "

You can check received external notifications in the Notifications list or in the Updates portlet.

When You Receive E-mails with Read Receipt Request

The following message appears when you receive an e-mail with read receipt request:

"This E-mail's has the read receipt.
Do you want to respond to the request?
(Reply to: xxxx<***@****.com>)"

If you click "Reply", an e-mail indicating that a recipient has opened the e-mail is sent to the user who requested.
This message disappears when you click "Reply" or "Dismiss".

What Are E-mails with Read Receipt Request?

You can use read receipt request to confirm whether recipients have read the e-mail.

Marking E-mails as Unread

Returns e-mail already read to an unread state.
This permits previously read e-mails to be marked for re-reading.

To mark e-mails as unread:


Click "E-mail" in the Application menu.


Select the check boxes of e-mail to be marked as unread on the "E-mail" screen and click "Status" > "Mark as unread".

  • Click "Mark as read" to assign read status to unread e-mails.

  • When preview is displayed, clicking "Mark as unread" while displaying the details of e-mail to be returned to the unread state, returns e-mail to unread status.

  • The notification for an already-read e-mail that was returned to unread status cannot be marked as unread.

  • A read receipt e-mail is sent to the sender of the e-mail when the e-mail is first confirmed, to indicate that the e-mail has been opened.

  • When e-mails which have been read in Garoon are displayed in KUNAI, they are displayed as read e-mails.

  • In Keitai, you cannot switch e-mail between read and unread.

Filtering Unread E-mails

Filters only unread e-mails for display.

Sending E-mails

Click "Compose E-mail" on the "E-mail" screen to create a new e-mail.
The following options are available on the "Compose E-mail" screen:

When you create an HTML e-mail, you can display the text body of the HTML e-mail as a text file by clicking "View in HTML format" on the "E-mail details" screen.

To display the "Confirm E-mail sending" screen before you send an e-mail, select "Confirm before sending" on the "General settings" screen of E-mail in your Personal settings.
"Configuring E-mail Settings"

Entering E-mail Address

Enter e-mail address in the address entry field manually.
While typing in part of an e-mail address in the address entry field, user display names and e-mail address that start with the inputted portion are displayed as suggestions.
The addresses in the following address books are used for suggestions:

  • User list

  • Personal Address Book

  • Shared address book to which you have access rights

  • E-mail addresses to which you have sent e-mails.

E-mail addresses that are entered in the "Custom items" fields are not used for suggestions.

Selecting E-mail Addresses from the Address Books

On the "Compose E-mail" screen, click "To:", "Cc:", or "Bcc:", then select e-mail addresses on the "Select e-mail address" screen.
When you have already set up My Address group or My groups, you can select My address group or My groups on the "Select e-mail address" screen.

You can search e-mail addresses from the following data:

You can remove search results from the screen by clicking "Clear search results".

Resending E-mails

In "Sent items", click an e-mail to display the details, and then click "Resend" to edit a resending e-mail.
You can only resend e-mails that you created.

Replying to E-mails

Select a received e-mail to display the details, and then click "Reply" or "Reply all" to compose a reply e-mail.
The e-mail address of the sender is displayed on the "Reply E-mail" screen. The subject of the reply adds "Re:" to the subject of the received e-mail.

When you want to reply to all e-mail addresses in the "To:" and "Cc:" fields, click "Reply all".
When you reply to e-mails with attachments, the replying e-mail does not contain the attachments.

In either of the following cases, replies to HTML e-mails are sent in plain-text format:

Forwarding E-mails

Select a received e-mail to display the details, and then click "Forward". On the "Forward E-mail" screen, specify recipients and click "Send".
The attachments to the e-mail are also forwarded.
The subject of the forwarding e-mail adds "Fwd:" to the subject of the received e-mail.

In either of the following cases, forwarded HTML e-mails are sent in plain-text format:

Deleting E-mails

You can delete e-mails in any of the following three ways:

Deleting an e-mail individually

On the "E-mail" screen, select e-mails to delete and click "Delete".
Deleted e-mails are moved to Trash.

Deleting all E-mails

Select folders to delete on the "E-mail" screen, then click "Delete all".
Deleted e-mails are moved to Trash.

E-mails moved to Trash are purged in the following cases:

Moving e-mails to Trash does not affect e-mails saved by the senders or other recipients.
You can recover deleted e-mails from Trash within the retention period of Trash.
E-mails can be deleted without moving it to Trash depending on your Personal settings.

Deleting E-mails Completely by Selecting the Time Period

You cannot restore e-mails that are deleted using this method.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Setting of each application" > "E-mail", and then click "Delete E-mail".


On the "Delete E-mail" screen, edit the entries as desired, and click "Delete".
The following options are available:

  • E-mail account

  • Date: Specify the date for deleting e-mails that have been received, sent, or saved as drafts prior to the specified date.
    E-mails imported from files will be deleted if the sent dates listed in the e-mails are prior to the specified date.

When an E-mail Account is Removed

Depending on the settings by the system administrator, users may view the e-mail data of a removed e-mail account even when the e-mail account is removed.

When you no longer need the e-mail data of removed e-mail account, click "Delete the account completely" on the "E-mail" screen.

Other Functions Available on the E-mail Details Screen

The following functions are available on the "E-mail details" screen: See below for details.

Setting up E-mail Status

If the status management function is enabled in the Personal settings, you can set up e-mail status.
Select an e-mail to display the details, and then select a desired status from the "Change status" drop-down list at the top right of the screen.

You can check the processing status with the e-mail status.
"Setting Up Status Management"

Changing Character Encodings

Select an e-mail to display the details, and then click "Character encoding" to select a desired character encoding.
To save the e-mail with a different character encoding, select a character encoding, then click "Save".

The following character encodings are available:

Adding E-mail Addresses to Address Books

Select an e-mail to display the details, and then click "(Browse/Add)" (Hide preview mode) or the "Address Book" icon (Show preview mode) next to a sender e-mail address in the e-mail, then enter necessary information to add to your personal address book.
The "Add address book entry" screen is displayed in a new window when you click "(Browse/Add)" or the "Address Book" icon.

Displaying E-mail Source

Select an e-mail to display the details, and then click "View source" to display the header information and the e-mail data as a text file.
You cannot display the e-mail source of drafts.

Printing E-mails

Select an e-mail to display the details, and then click "Printable version" to display the "Print settings" screen to print.
You cannot print attachments to an e-mail. Only the names of attachments are printed.
You cannot print out drafts.

The following options are available on the "print settings" screen:

Saving E-mails as Text Files

Select an e-mail to display the details, and then click "Save as file" to save the e-mail as a text file.
You cannot save drafts or e-mails that the attachments are deleted as text files.

The following contents are saved in a text file in the selected character encoding:

Attachments cannot be saved as a text file. Only the names of the files are saved.
You can save all e-mails as a text file in your Personal settings.

Organizing E-mails

You can organize and distribute e-mails by creating folders. Added folders are set up with update notifications.
You cannot add folders within Inbox, Sent, Draft, or Trash.

What Is a Folder Code?

A folder code is a special sequence of characters that differentiates folders. You can identify a folder by its folder code even when other folders have the same name.
Folder codes must be unique.

Folder restrictions

Types Action
folder Info
as a text file
Sent Item
1 2
Added folders 3 4 5

✓ : This action is enabled.
1:You can change notes in folders and set up update notifications.
2:Enabled only with e-mails in Inbox and Sent.
3: You can move folders, change notes in folders, and set up update notifications.
4:You can reorder the e-mails within each folder.
5:Subfolders in the selected folder are also deleted. All messages in a deleted folder move to Trash.

Moving E-mails

You can move e-mails in one of the following two ways:

Moving E-mails Using Drop-down Lists

You can move e-mails that you selected on the "E-mail" screen to the specified folder from the drop-down lists.

Moving E-mails Using Drag and Drop

You can move e-mails that you selected on the "E-mail" screen to the specified folder using drag and drop.
In the "Show preview" mode, drag the selected e-mails to the destination folder.You can also move e-mails to "Trash".
In the "Hide preview" mode, drag the drag control of any of the selected e-mails to the destination folder. The drag controls are located immediate left to the selection check boxes.
When you move selected e-mails to the destination folder, a dialog "Moved e-mails: ##" appears.

  • E-mails with its check box marked are highlighted in blue.

  • You can select multiple items by holding Shift and selecting multiple e-mails at once.

  • You cannot move e-mails to multiple folders at one time.

"Hide preview" mode example:

E-mail screen

a): Indicates the number of moved e-mails. It disappears when you perform another action or go to another page.
b): Moves e-mails back to their original folders. It disappears when you perform another action or go to another page.
c): Drug control

Searching E-mails

This section is for users who are not using Full text search.
For users who are using Full text search, refer to the following page:
Full Text Search Function on Each Application

You can search e-mails on the "Search E-mail" screen. The following search options are available:

You cannot search the following e-mails:

Checking E-mail Logs

You can display the e-mail log for each sender.
Select a folder on the "E-mail" screen, then click the name of the sender or the recipient.
If you click "Compose" on the "Show mail log" screen, you can compose an e-mail addressed to the selected sender or recipients.

Configuring Forwarding Settings

If forwarding is set, received e-mail that matches the forwarding conditions can be forwarded to another e-mail address.
For example, e-mail sent to a user who is out of the office can be forwarded to another person in charge.
Note that e-mail will not be forwarded when the sender e-mail address and the forwarding e-mail address is same.
Depending on the settings chosen by the system administrator, forwarding may not be available.

Adding Forwarding Settings

Sets conditions for automatic e-mail forwarding and the forwarding e-mail addresses.
Forwarding is set for each e-mail account.

To add forwarding settings:


On the "E-mail" screen, click "Options" > "Forwarding".


On the "Forwarding" screen, confirm that the e-mail account for the forwarding settings is selected and click "Add forwarding setting".


On the "Add forwarding setting" screen, set the forwarding setting name and the forwarding conditions.
Forwarding conditions are set with the following settings:

  • E-mail subject

  • From e-mail address

  • To e-mail address

  • CC e-mail address


Sets the forwarding e-mail address.
One of the following methods may be used:

  • Enter directly in the "Forwarding address" field.
    While typing, user display names or e-mail addresses that start with the entered leading character are displayed as suggestions from within the following data:

    • User list

    • Personal address book

    • Shared address book to which the user has access rights

    • Addresses of e-mails sent in the past

  • Selection of an e-mail address registered in the address book
    After clicking "Use Address Book", select an address on the "Select e-mail address" screen, click "Add→" and "Apply".


Click "Add".


On the "Forwarding" screen, confirm that the added forwarding setting is valid.

  • The "Forwarding" screen can also be displayed by clicking "Personal settings" > "Setting of each application" > "E-mail" > "Forwarding" from the user name drop-down list in the upper right corner of the screen.

  • E-mail is not forwarded if e-mail accounts with forwarding settings have been deactivated or deleted.

  • Up to 50 forwarding settings can be registered.

Editing Forwarding Settings

Changes settings such as forwarding conditions or forwarding addressees.

To edit forwarding settings:


On the "Forwarding" screen, click "Edit" for the forwarding setting to be changed.


On the "Edit forwarding setting" screen, change the required item and click "Save".

Inactivating Forwarding Settings

Temporarily inactivates specified forwarding settings.

To inactivate forwarding settings:


On the "Forwarding" screen, hover the mouse over "Active" on the forwarding setting to be inactivated, then click "Inactivate".


Confirm that "Status" for the inactivated forwarding setting shows "Activate".

To activate forwarding settings that have been made inactive, click "Activate".

Deleting Forwarding Settings

Deletes the specified forwarding settings.
Once deleted, the forwarding settings cannot be restored.

To delete forwarding settings:


On the "Forwarding" screen, click "Delete" for the Forwarding setting to be deleted.


Click "Yes" on the confirmation screen.
To cancel the deletion, click "No".