First Steps

Changing Your Password

The initial password that you used to log in was set by the system administrator. It is highly recommended that you change your password after your first login.


On the "Personal settings (common)" screen, click "Common settings" > "User", and then click "Change password".


Enter a new password, then click "Save".
The system administrator can choose to restrict some users from changing their passwords.
Contact your system administrator about any restrictions on passwords.

Changing Your User Profile

On the "Personal settings (common)" screen, click "Common settings" > "User", and then click "User details". Check your user information such as name and e-mail address.
If you want to edit your user details, click "Edit" on the "User details" screen.

User Details Entries

Entry Description
Name The followings are displayed:
  • User name

  • User's language1

  • English name2

Locale User's locale
Office User's office
Membership Membership information data
Priority organization The organization that are displayed in preference when the user is selected
Pronunciation Pronunciation of the user name
E-mail User's e-mail address
Notes Notes about the user
Position User's position within the organization
Contact User's contact information
URL User's Web page URL
Picture User picture

1: This is the language of the user name. It is displayed to the right of the user name in parentheses.
Example: John Smith (English)
2: This is the English spelling of the user name.

  • The system administrator can configure user names not to display their languages or English spellings.

  • A picture stored in the user profile is used as an icon to identify users in applications such as Phone Messages and User list.

Adding Groups to My Group

My groups are groups added at the user's discretion. My groups can be used only by the user who created them.
By adding users you frequently select to My Group, you can quickly and easily select them again.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Common settings" > "User", and then click "My group settings".


On the "My group settings" screen, click "New".


Edit the entries as desired, then click "Add".
The following entry fields are available:

  • Name

  • Notes

Adding Users to My Group

Select My group on the "My group settings" screen and then add users on the "Add user" screen.
On the "My group details" screen, click "Add user" to add users.

Editing My Group

Click "Details" on the "My group settings" screen to display the "My group details" screen.
The following settings are available on the "My group details" screen:

Reordering My groups

On the "My group settings" screen, click "Reorder" to change the display order of My groups.

Deleting Users From My Group

On the "My group settings" screen, you can delete users by selecting the check box next to their name and clicking "Delete".