Using Cabinet

Setting user rights can prohibit some users form using Cabinet.

Downloading Files

Select the folder with the file that you want to download, then select a file and click its title link.
You can save the file using your Web browser.

Downloading Multiple Files

Select the folder with the files that you want to download, then click "Download multiple files".
When you download multiple files, the files that you select for download are compressed into a ZIP file before downloading. The name of the selected folder is used as the name of the ZIP file.
The system administrator can prohibits some users from using this function.

Adding Files

On the "Cabinet" screen, select a folder to add files, then click "Add file" to add a file.
On the "Add file" screen, the following entry fields are available:

What is Versioning?

Versioning is a function that is used to preserve and manage previous versions of uploaded files.
If the file name link of one or more previous versions is enabled, the following actions can be performed:

If the number of stored older versions exceeds the value that has been set in "Versioning", then the oldest version is deleted.

Uploading Multiple Files

If you need to upload several files at once, then you can use this special upload function.
You can select only files within one local directory. If you selected a file by mistake, you can clear the check box next to its name.

You cannot use multiple file upload in the following conditions:

Some Web browser settings can also prevent multiple file upload.

Editing File Information

The following file information can be edited:

Updating Files

You can update a file by clicking "Update" on the "File details" screen.
You can only update one file at a time.
You cannot update a file when another user is editing the file.

When Another User is Editing the File
The following message is displayed on the "File details" screen while another user is editing the file:
"(User name) is editing the file. "

Other users can update when the user who is editing the file clicks "Cancel editing" on the "File details" screen.

Rolling Back to an Older Version

If versioning options are set on a file, you can replace the latest version of the file with the selected previous version.
To roll back the file, click "Restore" located next to the desired version on the "File details" screen.

Deleting Files

You can delete a file by clicking "Delete" on the "File details" screen.
If a file is deleted, all previous versions of the file are deleted as well.
Deleted files are moved to Trash. If a file is in Trash, you cannot view its information or download it.
Files can be restored within the retention period that is set by the system administrator.
Files in Trash are purged after the retention period that is set by the system administrator. File deletion from Trash are permanent.
Contact your system administrator if you want to purge a file within the retention period.

Trash in Cabinet
Trash is displayed in the root folder and in each folder.
When files in the root folder are deleted, the deleted files move to Trash of the root folder.

Searching Files

This section is for users who are not using Full text search.
For users who are using Full text search, refer to the following page:
Full Text Search Function on Each Application

You can search files on the "File search" screen. The following search options are available:

Setting Up Update Notifications

You can set up update notifications on folders.
To set up update notifications:

  • For all users: On the screen of the folder on which you want to set notifications, click "Edit notifications".

  • For users with operational administrative privileges: On the screen of the folder on which you want to set notifications, click "Option" > "Folder details" > "Notification settings".

You cannot disable notifications set by the system administrator. On the "Edit notifications" screen, an asterisk (*) appears on the folder on which the system administrator set notifications.

Update Notification Restrictions

Item Action
Setting Up Update Notifications Stop update notification
per file Not possible Not possible
per folder

✓ : This action is possible.