

Workflow is an application that enables users to circulate requests and to process the approval and acknowledgment of the requests in the Web browser.
The system administrator can prohibit some users from using all or a subset of Workflow functions.

Before Using Workflow

This section describes basic information for using Workflow.

Available Functions in Workflow

The following functions are available in Workflow:

User Types

Depending on the actions performed with requests, Workflow categorizes users in the following types:

Request Flow

The flow from submission to completion of a request is displayed as the following flowchart.

Request Flow

When all appointed processors finish their tasks, the request is completed.

What Are Routes?

A route is the workflow from the submission to the completion of a request.
Depending on the requesting forms, the routes can be set as follows:

What Are Route Steps?

Route steps are the series of steps that are required to process requests. These steps are arranged in the approval and acknowledgment routes. Multiple approvers or acknowledgers may be appointed in one route step.

Status Categories

The status of request changes depending on the process of applicants or processors.
Workflow lists display the request status as follows:

Processed Request and Displayed Status

Request Displayed status
Applicant's Recent list Processor's Recent list
Request in processing N/A In progress
Sent back requests In progress In progress1
Rejected requests Rejected N/A
Approved requests by the final approvers2 Approved Approved
Requests withdrawn by the applicant N/A Canceled
Requests canceled by the applicant N/A Canceled
Requests that all processes had been completed in the route steps Completed N/A

N/A: No applicable status3
1: When a request is sent back to the prior processor, this status is displayed on the Recent list of the prior processor.
2: This assumes that both approval and acknowledgment routes are set in the request process.
3: You may check the status of requests by displaying your Sent items and Inbox.

The latest status of the request is displayed in the Sent items of the applicant and in the Inbox of the processors.

Display Overview

This section describes screenshots, icons, and buttons used in Workflow.

Workflow Screen

This screen displays a list of submitted request forms.

Workflow (Recent) screen:

Workflow (Recent) screen


No. Part Description
1 Create Creates and submits a request.
2 Request search Searches requests using keywords.
Advanced search Searches requests with additional search options.
3 Unprocessed Indicates unprocessed request data.
4 Drop-down list You can select the start number of the requests that must be processed in sequence.
Start Starts processing the request with the selected number using the drop-down list.
5 Status Indicates the status of the requests that were submitted by you.
6 Number Displays the selected request when clicked.
You can process the request with the number that follows the selected number in sequence.
7 Results Indicates the completed request by you.
8 Recent Displays the request with the status of In progress, Approved, and Completed.
Sent items Displays the request that were submitted by you.
Inbox Displays the request that were submitted by you and that must be processed by you in chronological order.
Draft Displays the draft request. Canceled and withdrawn requests are also displayed.
Proxy approval folder1 Displays if you are appointed as a proxy approver.
Pending approval folder1 Displays the request for which you are an appointed processor in a route step.
Public requests list1 Displays the public requests.
9 Request number1 Number assigned to a request when it is submitted.
Approval number1 Number assigned to a request when it is approved by the final approver.
When both the request and approval numberings are available, the approval number is displayed to the right of the request number.
10 Priority "Urgent" is displayed when the applicant sets the priority to Urgent.
The icon indicates the request is urgentindicates the request is urgent.
11 Delete Deletes the selected request.
12 Request form title Indicates the request form names used for the request.
Displays the "Request details" screen.
Request title Displays the "Request details" screen.

1: The system administrator can choose not to display these icons.

Workflow (Pending approval) screen:

Workflow (Pending approval) screen


No. Part Description
13 Request number Indicates the consecutive number applied for requests. This number is displayed only when the request number is entered on the used request form.
The request number is displayed in one of the following forms:
  • Numbers that are common to all request forms

  • Numbers that are used for each request form

14 Applicant2 Indicates the applicant user.
The system administrator can choose to display the name of a user who is appointed as a proxy approver.
15 Submission date Indicates the date that the request was submitted.
If a request form was submitted today, the time is displayed. If a request form was submitted prior to today, the date is displayed.

2: On the "Workflow (Sent items)" screen, the applicant field is displayed as a "Processor".

Application Details Screen

You can confirm request contents and the route steps.

Request Details Screen:

Request Details Screen


No. Part Description
1 Reuse Creates another request using the current request.
Reuse is enabled only with the following requests:
  • Sent items

  • Results

  • Canceled requests

  • Rejected requests

2 Printable version Displays the request on the "Print settings" screen.
3 Delete from list Deletes the request from Sent items list or Inbox list.
4 Cancel application Cancels or withdraws the request. Displayed only with the request that you submitted.
5 Request contents Indicates the contents of the request. Displayed items can differ depending on the request forms.
6 Status Indicates the processing status of the request.
7 Route history Displays the edit history of route after the submission when you click this link.
8 (←Show step names or requirements only) Displays only the route steps and step requirements when you click this link.
The following information is displayed when you click "(→Show full details)":

Process Unprocessed Requests Screen

You can process or acknowledge requests.

Process unprocessed requests screen:

Process unprocessed requests screen


No. Part Description
1 Comments field Added comments are displayed in the comment field of the request's status.
Comments are added by the processors in the route steps.
2 Approve Approves the request.
The approved request is sent to the next route step.
Reject Rejects the request.
The request is sent back to the applicant.
Send back The request is sent back to the applicant or the selected processor.