Using Shared To-Dos

Display Overview

This screen displays a list of To-Do tasks added to the discussion.

Shared To-Dos Screen:

Shared To-Dos Screen


No. Part Description
1 Search assignees Filters shared To-Do tasks by assignee.
The OR search can be performed for multiple users using multiple keywords by separating each keyword with a space.
The following user information items can be searched:
  • Name

  • English name

  • Login name

  • Pronunciation

  • E-mail address

  • Job title

Clicking "Reset" on the top of the list clears the filter and displays the list of all assignees.
2 Add shared To-Do Adds a shared To-Do task to the discussion.
Appears when a discussion is selected in the filter.
3 Uncompleted Displays a list of uncompleted To-Do tasks.
Completed Displays a list of completed To-Do tasks.
4 Uncompleted To-Dos per status Indicates the number of uncompleted To-Do tasks categorized by status.
5 Filter Filters To-Do tasks by discussion.
6 Uncompleted To-Dos per assignee Red (Overdue): Uncompleted To-Do tasks that are past due
Yellow (Due today): Uncompleted To-Do tasks that are due today
Blue (Scheduled): Uncompleted To-Do tasks that are not yet past due, except the ones due today
Light blue (Anytime): Uncompleted To-Do tasks with no due date set
7 To-Do list Displays a list of completed or uncompleted To-Do tasks.
Click a To-Do name to display the "To-Do details" screen.
  • If no user is assigned to a To-Do task, "Unspecified" appears in the assignee column.
  • On the Scheduler screen, selecting the "Show uncompleted To-Dos" check box in Options displays the check mark icon and the name of uncompleted To-Do task on the due date schedule.
    "Options Functions"

To-Do Details Screen

You can edit the content of the To-Do task or change the status to complete.

Uncompleted To-Do Details Screen:

Uncompleted To-Do Details Screen


No. Part Description
1 Edit Edits the content of the uncompleted To-Do task.
2 Delete Deletes the To-Do task.
3 Complete My To-Do Changes your status within the To-Do task to completed. You cannot change the status of other assignees.
Reopen My To-Do Reopens your part of a completed To-Do task. Reopening the To-Do task changes its status to uncompleted.
4 Like Click this link to make a quick response to a comment.
The link may not be displayed or the word "Like" may vary depending on the settings by the system administrator.
"Using Respond ("Like") Feature"
5 Users who are no longer
Displays or hides the list of users who are no longer members of the space when clicked.
"Notes on Space Members"
  • When you open the "To-Do details" screen, all unread comments posted to the To-Do are marked as read.

Adding To-Do Tasks

You can add To-Do tasks to discussions. To-Do tasks in discussions differ from those in To-Do List in the following functions:

You can add To-Do tasks using either of the following procedures:

Adding To-Do tasks on the discussion screen

Click "Add To-Do" to add a new To-Do task to the discussion.

Adding To-Do tasks on the Shared To-Dos screen

Click "Add shared To-Do" on the "Shared To-Dos" screen to add a new To-Do task to the list.

  • Click "Show contents" on the "Add To-Do" screen to enter the task description or attach files.

  • To-Do tasks with multiple assignees remain uncompleted unless all assignees change their status to complete.

  • Add shared To-Do on the "Shared To-Dos" screen appears when a discussion is selected in the filter.

Completing To-Do Tasks

Click "Complete My To-Do" on the "To-Do details" screen when you finish your part of the To-Do task.
To-Do tasks with multiple assignees will be completed only after every assignee finishes their part.

  • Even if a user set as the assignee of a To-Do task is removed from the members of the organization or role, the user will still be the assignee. Even though the user is no longer a member of the space, the user can change the status of shared To-Do tasks that they are assigned to completed or uncompleted.
    "Notes on Space Members"

Reopening To-Do Tasks

Click "Reopen My To-Do" on the "To-Do details" screen when you want to reopen your part of the To-Do.
Completed To-Do tasks will be restored to uncompleted status once you reopen your part.

Editing To-Do Tasks

To edit a To-Do task, click "Edit" on the "To-Do details" screen.
To reset the status of the To-Do task you are editing, select the "Reset to Uncompleted" check box on the "Edit To-Do" screen.

Deleting To-Do Tasks

To delete a To-Do task, click "Delete" on the "To-Do details" screen.