Using Discussions

Display Overview

Discussion Screen:

Discussion Screen

Discussion Screen


No. Part Description
1 New discussion Adds a discussion to the space.
2 Indicates that an unread content or comment exists in the discussion.
Discussions Displays the discussion details and comments when clicked .
The discussion that was added when this space was added is displayed on the top of the list.
Other discussions are sorted in descending order by the date and time when the discussion or the shared To-Do is

Start following
Stop following

  • Start following: You can receive update notifications of the discussions and the shared To-Do tasks.

  • Following: Indicates that you set update notifications.
    "Stop following" appears when you hover the cursor over "Following".

  • Stop following: You can stop receiving update notifications of discussions and the shared To-Do tasks.

4 Edit subject & body Displays the "Edit discussion" screen.
Delete discussion Deletes the discussion. If you delete a discussion, all To-Dos and attachments in the discussion will also be deleted.
When one or more space administrators exist, this link appears only for the system administrator and a user who added the discussion, and the space administrators.
Otherwise, this link appears for all the space members and the system administrator.
Check followers Displays a list of members who are following the discussion.
You can switch between space members and non space members to display.
5 Displays a list of To-Do tasks or attached files when clicked.
Hides a list of To-Do tasks or attached files when clicked.
6 Delete Deletes the comment. Appears when you hover the cursor over the comment.
7 Like Click this link to make a quick response to a comment.
The link may not be displayed or the word "Like" may vary depending on the settings by the system administrator.
Reply Posts a reply to the comment. An anchor link that consists of ">>" and the comment number is automatically applied to the posted reply.
By clicking "Reply", the user who posted the comment is displayed in the recipient area of your reply.
Reply All Posts a reply to the comment. An anchor link that consists of ">>" and the comment number is automatically set in the reply comment.
By clicking "Reply", the sender of the original comment is displayed in the recipient area of your reply.
Permalink Displays a URL of the comment when clicked. Appears when you hover the cursor over the comment.
Pasting permalinks is useful for referring to this comment from other discussions or memos.
8 Indicates comments posted to To-Dos.
To-Do name Displays the "To-Do details" screen.
Comment Displays comments posted to discussions or To-Dos.
9 My To-Dos This list contains the To-Do tasks assigned to you among all task in the discussion.
Click a To-Do name to display the "To-Do details" screen.
All To-Dos This list contains all To-Do tasks that are saved in the discussion.
Click a To-Do name to display the "To-Do details" screen.
10 Files Click a file name to open or download the file.
Displays the discussion, To-Do, or comment to which the file is attached.
11 Add shared To-Do This item is displayed when you are selecting a discussion in the space where you are a member. Click this to add a shared To-Do task to the discussion.
12 Shared To-Dos Displays the "Shared To-Dos" screen. The displayed To-Do tasks will be filtered based on the discussion that are selected on the previous screen.
  • The text "n comments posted" appears at the top of the comment list when any other users post new comments. Click this text to display the newly posted comments.

Adding Discussions

To add a new discussion, select a space on the "Space" screen, and click "New discussion".

  • Adding a new space will add a default discussion using the space name.

Editing Discussions

To edit the discussion, click "Edit subject & body" on the "discussion" screen.

Deleting Discussions

To delete the discussion, click "Delete" discussion on the "discussion" screen.

  • You cannot delete default discussions.

Following Discussions

On the "Discussion" screen, by clicking "Start following", you will be able to receive update notifications for the discussion.
You can follow discussions in a non-member space if the space is public.

  • When you are a follower in a non-member space, you are removed from the followers once the space becomes private.
    You remain a non-follower even when the space becomes public again.

Managing Files

You can update files attached to discussions or To-Dos, change their versioning options, and edit other attachment settings.
Click "Details" next to the attachment name, and edit attachment settings on the "Attachment details" screen.
The usage is the same as for Cabinet.

  • The files attached to a discussion or a To-Do can be edited by any space members.

  • The files attached to a comment can be deleted only by the user who posted the comment.