

Space is an application that facilitates collaborative projects by cross-organizational members. The team or group members can use spaces to effectively collaborate and share information regardless of their organization.
The following functions are available to space members:

Space Screen:

Space Screen

a): Space members and notes
b): Discussions
c): Discussions
d): All shared To-Dos

Non-space members can use the following functions of public spaces:
  • Viewing space details

  • Viewing discussions, posting comments, and deleting one's own comments

  • Viewing To-Dos, posting comments, and deleting one's own comments

  • Viewing attachments in the spaces

Display Overview

Discussions and To-Dos in public spaces are available even to non-space members for viewing.

My Spaces Screen:

My Spaces Screen


No. Part Description
1 New space Adds a space to the selected category.
2 My spaces Displays a list of spaces that you are a member of.
All spaces Displays a list of all viewable spaces.
3 Active Displays a list of all spaces before the expiration date.
Expired Displays a list of all expired spaces.
4 Indicates that the space is private.
Space name Displays the top screen of the space, which is the discussion screen.
5 Category Displays a list of viewable spaces contained in the category.

All Spaces Screen:

All Spaces Screen


No. Part Description
6 Category Displays a list of viewable spaces contained in the selected category.
7 Show in list Displays a list of updated spaces in reverse chronological order.
8 Show in list Displays a list of added spaces in reverse chronological order.




No. Part Description
9 Members Contains users, organizations, and roles assigned to the space.
Click this to change the members on the "Edit space" screen.
10 Notes Contains notes of the space.
Click this to edit the notes.
11 Displays or hides a list of the users, organizations, and roles assigned to the space when clicked.
12 Displays or hides notes when clicked.
13 Folder settings Click this to create a new folder, or delete or rename an existing folder.
Move discussions Click this to move discussions to another folder in the same space or to another space.
All members in Scheduler Displays the group day planner that lists appointments of all members.
Add appointment of members Displays the "New appointment" screen where you can add a regular appointment. The space members are automatically specified as attendees.
Space details Displays the space details screen.
Duplicate space Creates a new space by duplicating this space.
14 Search Searches posted comments and attached files in discussions or shared To-Dos.

Space Details Screen:

Space Details Screen


No. Part Description
15 Edit Edits space settings such as name and members.
16 Change members Changes members of this space.
17 Leave space You can leave the space that you are a member of.
The link may not be available depending on how to join the space (as a user, as a role, and so on) and how the space is configured.
"Leaving a Space"
18 Duplicate Creates a new space by duplicating this space.
19 Delete Deletes the space.
When one or more space administrators exist, this link appears only for the system administrator and the space administrators.
Otherwise, this link appears for all the space members and the system administrator.