Configuring Scheduler

Configuring the Appointment Display

You can configure the screen display of Scheduler.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Settings of each application" > "Scheduler" , then click "Display settings".


On the "Display settings" screen, edit the entries as desired, then click "Save".
The following entry fields are available:

  • Time period to show:
    Indicates the start and end time of appointments on the following screens:

    • Group day view screen

    • Day view screen

    • Week view screen

    You cannot select the same time as the start and end time.

  • When week starts:
    Select this check box to display Monday as the first day of the week in scheduler.

  • Appointment ending time:
    Select this check box when you want to show appointment end time on the "Group week" or "Month view" screen.

  • Drag and drop moving
    Select this check box to use the drag and drop feature to move appointments.
    The drag and drop feature is available on the following screens:

    • "Day view" screen

    • "Week view" screen

    The system administrator can choose not to display this item.

Setting Up Appointment Types

Appointment types that you set up can be used on the "New appointment" screen or the "Edit appointment" screen.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Settings of each application" > "Scheduler", then click "Appointment type".


On the "Appointment type" screen, enter appointment types, then click "Save".
Enter one type name in each row.

Forwarding E-mail Notification for Appointments

Notification is forwarded to an e-mail when an appointment that you are either the attendee or viewer, is added, edited, or deleted.
To use e-mail notification, the system administrator must set up the system mail account.
The sender's e-mail address of the notification is the system mail account.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Setting of each application" > "Scheduler", then click "E-mail forwarding".


On the "E-mail forwarding" screen, edit the entries as desired, then click "Save".
The following entry fields are available:

  • Forwarding e-mail: Select this check box to forward the update notification of appointments to your e-mail account.

  • Forward facility usage request notifications:
    This item is displayed only for the users who are assigned as operational administrators for facilities by the system administrator. Select this check box to forward the update notification of the facility usage requests to your e-mail account.

  • The e-mail address that receives the notifications
    Multiple e-mail addresses can be set, delimited by a comma (,).

  • Notifications are not displayed when appointments are past the scheduled date.
  • Each user can select the character encoding for forwarded e-mail notification.
    "Setting Up Localization Related Items"

Organizing Data Using CSV Files

You can manage Scheduler data using CSV files.

Importing Data

If an error occurs, the importing process is terminated. Any data that was imported before the error occurred is discarded.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Setting of each application" > "Scheduler", then click "Import appointment data".


On the "Import appointment data - Step1/2" screen, select a file, then click "Next >>".
When there is the item name on the header of a CSV file, select "Yes" to skip the header row.


On the "Import appointment data - Step 2/2" screen, click "Import".

Exporting Data

You can save appointment data to a CSV file. You cannot save the data of all day appointments.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Settings of each application" > "Scheduler", then click "Export appointment data".


On the "Export appointment data" screen, edit the entries as desired, then click "Save".
When you want to include the titles in the header of the CSV file, select "Yes" to include the header row.
When you do not set up the period to export, you cannot export the data to CSV file.


Click "Save".
Enter a file name and click "Save".

Exporting Appointment Statistics to CSV Files

Appointment statistics are collected by appointment type, and can be exported to a CSV file.

  • If multiple appointment types with identical names exist, their appointment statistics are compiled into one appointment type.

On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Settings of each application" > "Scheduler", then click "Appointment statistic".


On the "Appointment statistic" screen, select the target organizations or users, then click "Next >>".


Edit the entries as desired, then click "Export".
The following entry fields are available:

  • Date: Time period to report

  • Work hours: Work hours to report

  • Character encoding

  • Appointment summary target


Click "Save".
Enter a file name and click "Save".

Exporting Appointment Data to iCalendar Files

You can export appointment data to an iCalendar file.
You cannot export appointments that you responded "Decline".

There are two ways to export appointments data to an iCalendar file:

The following items are exported:

  • All day appointments are exported as undefined time appointments.

  • Tentative appointments are exported as regular appointments.

  • Repeating appointments that have the following conditions can not be exported:

    • Every first week of the month

    • Every second week of the month

    • Every third week of the month

    • Every fourth week of the month

    • End of every month

Specifying Export Period


On the" Personal settings" screen, click "Settings of each application" > "Scheduler", then click "Export to iCal file".


On the "Export to iCal file" screen, specify the period, then click "Export".


Click "Save".
Enter a file name and click "Save".

Exporting One Month's Appointment Data


On the "Scheduler" screen, select the Month tab, then click "Export to iCal file".


Click "Save".
Enter a file name and click "Save".