

Scheduler is an application that organizes the appointments of users and facilities.

The following functions are available in Scheduler of Garoon:

Display Overview

This section describes sample screenshots, buttons, and icons used in Scheduler.

The following appointment types are available in Scheduler:

Scheduler Screen

The following views are available in Scheduler:

The system administrator can choose to display the following contents.

Scheduler Icons

Icon name Description
Group day View Group day View
Group week View Group week View
Day viewDay view
Week view Week view
Month view Month view
Year view Year view
Shows or hides calendar

Shows or hides calendar

Adding appointments Adding appointments
Repeating appointments Repeating appointments
All day appointments All day appointments
Undefined time appointments Undefined time appointments
Conflicted Appointment Conflicted appointment
Blue Appointment Regular, all day, and repeating appointments
Light Blue Appointment Tentative appointments
Rokuyo1 Rokuyo data received on the server
Weather Forecasts1 Weather forecasts that are received on the server
Uncompleted To-Dos tasks Uncompleted To-Do tasks consist of your personal To-Dos and shared To-Dos assigned to you
Uncompleted To-Dos tasks Overdue and uncompleted To-Do tasks consist of your personal To-Do tasks and shared To-Do tasks assigned to you
National Holidays National Holidays
Anniversaries Anniversaries
Office Days Office Days
User's Locale User's Locale
New Appointments New Appointments
Edited Appointments Edited Appointments
Deleted Appointments Deleted Appointments
Confirmed Appointments Confirmed Appointments
Appointments with Comments Appointments with Comments
Private Private Appointments:
Only users set as viewers can view these appointments.
Private appointment Private Appointments for Somebody Else:
You cannot view these private appointments.
(Creator, Private appointment) Private Appointments for the Facility:
The user name of the creator of the appointment is displayed.
You cannot view these private appointments.

Click these icons to display the "Phone Message history" screen.
Click this icon to display the "Phone Message history" screen.
Phone messages of users without access rights Phone messages of users without access rights
Presence Information Presence Information2

1: Available only in Japanese.
The system administrator can choose not to display Rokuyo and weather forecasts.

2: This icon is displayed in red if the user has not accessed Garoon since midnight (00:00) of the day.

Options Functions

Menu Displayed
day view
week view
Day view Week view Month view Year view
Options Displays the option menu.  
Show full subject The subject of appointments that are omitted and the icon and link of the user information are displayed.      
Apply each time zone1 Displays the time zone and dates according to each user's time zone on the "Scheduler" screen.      
Show uncompleted To-Dos2

Displays the uncompleted To-Do tasks, both personal and shared, on the due date.

Show overdue To-Dos2

The names of the overdue and uncompleted To-Do tasks, both personal and shared, are displayed in today's schedule.


✓: Displayed
1: This function is disabled by default.
2: Completed To-Dos are not displayed on the "Scheduler" screen. When you click the displayed title of To-Do task, the "To-Do details" screen is displayed.

Group Day View screen:

Group Day View screen


No. Part Description
1 New Adds a new appointment.
2 Arrange appointment Adds tentative appointments.
3 Group day Displays the group day view.
Group week Displays the group week view.
Day Displays the daily planner of a user.
Week Displays the weekly planner of a user.
Month Displays the monthly planner of a user.
Year Displays the year planner of a user.
4 Response request list Appointments that you are requested to respond to attendance requests and appointments that you have created with attendance requests are displayed.
5 Users & Facilities You can display "Appointments" by clicking "".

You can display "Users & Facilities" by clicking "".

Advanced search Searches appointments with additional search options.
6 << Moves back 1 week.
< Moves back 1 day.
Today Display today's planner.
> Moves 1 day forward.
>> Moves 1 week forward.
7 Options Displays the option menu.
For details on the menu, refer to "Option Functions".
8 Drop-down list for selecting planners of users or facilities. Displays the corresponding planner when you click the user or facility icon.
Select users Displays the "Select users" screen when clicked.
9 Time zone bar Indicates the time zone bar that corresponds to the login user's time zone at the initial setting.
When you select the "Apply each time zone" check box, time zone bars according to each user’s time zone are displayed.
10 Present status [Time] Present status [Time] Indicates user's status. You can edit the user status displayed with a link.
11 Appointment types Indicates a type of appointment. The appointment types that have been set by the system administrator are distinguished by color.
You can search for appointments up to three months ago.

Group Week View Screen:

Group Week View Screen


No. Part Description
12 Options Displays the option menu.
For details on the menu, refer to "Option Functions".
13 User's time zone Indicates the user's time zone.
These are displayed when the user selects the "Apply each time zone" check box on the top right of the screen.

Day View Screen:

Day View Screen


No. Part Description
14 Users, groups, organizations, and facilities Users, groups, organizations, and facilities to be displayed in the day planner view. You can add a user, group, organization, and facility by clicking Plus icon, and delete them by clicking . To hide the appointments of the user, group, organization, and facility, clear the check box next to its name.
15 Options Displays the option menu.
For details on the menu, refer to "Option Functions".
16 Whole day appointment Whole day appointments of users, organizations, and facilities are respectively displayed by color codes.
17 All day appointment All day appointments of users, organizations, and facilities are displayed.
The number of attendees is displayed in case multiple users displayed in the screen attend the appointment.
18 Daily planner Appointments of the selected users, groups, organizations, and facilities are displayed. The following functions are available:
  • Add a new appointment of the selected users, groups, organizations, and facilities by double clicking anywhere where you want to add it or dragging the time period.

  • Change the date and time of an appointment by dragging and dropping the appointment or dragging the top or bottom of the appointment.

Week View Screen:

Week View Screen


No. Part Description
19 Printable version Displays the "Print settings" screen and the preview screen.
20 Options Displays the option menu.
For details on the menu, refer to "Option Functions".

Month View Screen:

Month View Screen


No. Part Description
21 Printable version Displays the "Print settings" screen and a preview screen.
22 Export to iCal file Export the Monthly planner to an iCalendar format file.
23 < Displays the planner for the prior month.
This Month Display the planner for this month.
> Displays the planner for the following month.
24 Options Displays the option menu.
For details on the menu, refer to "Option Functions".
25 Month Index Click a month to display its planner.

Year View screen:

Year View Screen


No. Part Description
26 < Displays the planner for the prior year.
This year Displays the planner for this year.
> Displays the planner for the following year.

Appointment Details Screen

You can edit an appointment and add comments on this screen.

Appointment Details Screen for Regular Appointments:

Appointment Details Screen for Regular Appointments
  • If the appointment is a repeating appointment, the set period is displayed on the "Appointment details" screen.

  • The following message is displayed with the last scheduled appointment of the repeating appointment:
    "This is the last appointment in the selected repeating period. "


No. Part Description
1 Edit Edits the appointment.
2 Delete Deletes the appointment.
3 Reuse Creates a new appointment using the selected appointment.
You cannot reuse the tentative appointments.
4 Leave You can dismiss yourself from an appointment.
However, you cannot dismiss yourself from tentative appointments.
5 Printable version Displays the "Print settings" screen and a preview.
6 Options
  • View planner of attendees/facilities:
    Displays drop-down list for selecting one of the following planners:

    • Group day

    • Group week

    • Day

    • Week

  • Share in new space:
    Adds a new space by setting the attendees to space members.
    "Adding Spaces"

7 Reports1

Displays the reports links to the appointment.

  • Prepare a report:
    Creates a report associated with the appointment.

  • Associate with a report:
    Links the reports that you have already created to the appointment.

8 Show day planner Displays the day view of your planner.

1: The system administrator can choose not to display these icons.
See the following for the operation:

New Appointment Screen

You can add an appointment by first selecting the type of an appointment.

New Appointment Screen for Regular Appointment

New Appointment Acreen for Regular Appointments


No. Part Description
1 Regular appointments This tab indicates you are adding a regular appointment.
All day appointments Add an all day appointment.
Repeating appointments Add a Repeating appointment.
2 Time zone1 Indicates the time zone that you are using.
Other time zones Applies a time zone other than your time zone for the appointment.
3 Drop-down list of appointment types Select the types of appointments, such as Out of office and Meeting from the types that have already been added.
You can add appointment types on the"Personal settings" screen for Scheduler.
4 User search Searches users using keywords.
5 Drop-down list for selecting users Select the category of users to view users and organizations you can add to the appointment.
6 Select from all organizations Select from all organizations:Displays the "Select users" screen when clicked.
7 User details... Displays the "User profile" screen.
8 Facility search Searches facilities using keywords.
9 Drop-down list for selecting facilities Select the category of facilities to add to the appointment.
10 Facility information details... Displays the facility information list.
11 Purpose A required item that is displayed when a facility with the usage request is required is selected. The usage request feature is available only for regular appointments. In the field, enter a purpose for the facility to request a usage to the operational administrators for the facility.
12 Check availability of attendees and facilities Displays the "Check available times" screen.
13 Add company information When you click this, the entry fields for the company information are displayed.
14 Notes You can enter notes for the appointment.
15 Attachments Attach a file to an appointment.
Files can only be attached to regular appointments or all day appointments.
The system administrator can choose to disable the attachment feature.
16 Public All users can view public appointments.
Private Only the users who are the attendees of the appointment can view the private appointments.
Set private watchers Only the attendees and the users that are set under the "Watchers" field for the appointments can view the private appointments. These users include organizations and roles.
17 Appointments with Response Requests You can select whether to request responses for attendance to attendees of an appointment. The response request feature is available only for regular appointments. The system administrator can choose not to display this item.
If the response request feature is enabled, a screen to respond to attendance request will appear for the attendees.
18 Add Adds a new appointment.
Cancel Cancels an appointment without adding it.

1: When you change the time zone that is applied to the appointment, the selected time zone is displayed to the right of the appointment date column.

  • Facilities with the usage requests are required are available only for regular appointments, and not availa-ble for repeating appointments and tentative appointments.