Using MultiReport

Preparing a Report

You can create and send reports.


Click "Prepare a report" on the "MultiReport" screen.


On the "Prepare a report: Select form" screen, select a category, then select a report form.
When you click "(Root)", forms you have recently used are displayed.
Up to five recently used forms are displayed.
When the recently used report forms are deleted or deactivated, the forms are removed from the recently used forms list.


On the "Prepare a report: Fill form" screen, enter the required entries.
You can display an item's description by clicking or "Description" if they are displayed.
To set "Outside parties", use one of the following methods:

  • Entering each name in the "Outside parties" field
    Enter each attendee's name or company name in the entry field, and then click "←Enter".

  • Selecting from the shared address books
    Click "Search in shared address books".
    Search addresses, select desired entries, and then click "←Add".
    Click "Apply" to enter selected entries in the "Outside parties" field.


Select users who can view the report.
The following options are available:

Public to Description
All The report that can be viewed by all users.
Only attendees and notification recipients The report that can be viewed only by the author, the attendees, and the notification recipients.
This is displayed only when the report form has the "Attendees entry" field is set.
Notification recipients The report that can be viewed only by the author and notification recipients.

Select users for Other watchers or Notification for.
You can select users whom you want to send notifications other than the author or attendees on "Other watchers" or on "Notification for".


Select the maintainers who can edit the report.
You can select maintainers from users that are appointed as the attendees and notification recipients.


Click "Confirm details>>".


On the "Prepare a report: Submit" screen, click "Submit".

  • Attendees and notification recipients can stop update notifications.

  • When you click a link of an outside party, the "Address details" screen corresponding to the outside party is displayed. The link of an outside party is displayed only when the following conditions are met:

  • The outside party is added to the shared address book.

  • Users who can view the report have the access right to the address of the outside party.

  • Users who can view the report have the access right to the address book.

Report Viewing Status When Visibility Is Set

The following users can view the report when the report form that has defined access rights:

Viewers of the report are limited once the "Public to" entry field is entered.
The enabled viewers and the settings of "Public to" field as follows:

User Public to
All Only attendees and notification recipients Notification recipients
Notification recipients
Other users

✓: Can view the report

Attaching Files

You can attach files to the report contents and comments of a report.
When you click "Details" that is displayed next to the attached file name or "Attachments" on the "Report details" screen, the "Attachments" screen is displayed. As in Cabinet, you can edit only the files that you have attached.

Depending on report forms, you cannot attach files to the report contents of the report.

Reusing Reports

You can create another report by reusing an existing report.
Click "Reuse" on the "MultiReport" screen to prepare a report.
You cannot reuse a report if its report form has been deleted.
When the report form for the report that you want to reuse has been updated, the latest report form is applied.

Editing Reports

Only the authors, users with editing rights, and the system administrator can edit reports.
Click "Edit" on the "Report details" screen to edit the report.
You cannot edit the report using the report form that has been deleted.
When the report form for the report that you want to reuse has been updated, the latest report form is applied in editing the report.

Changing the Notification Recipients

Only the authors, users with editing rights, and the system administrator can change notification recipients.
Click "Change notification recipients" on the "Report details" screen to edit the recipient list.
The update notifications are not sent when you add or change the notification recipients on the "Change notification recipients" screen.

You can confirm the following users on the Attendees and notification recipients screen by clicking Attendees and notification recipients on the Report details screen.

Deleting Reports

Only the authors, users with editing rights, and the system administrator can edit reports.
Click "Delete" on the "Report details" screen to delete the report.
Report deletions are permanent.

Available Functions in viewable reports

Action User
Author Maintainers Users with administrative privileges Other Users
Editing reports Submitted reports
Draft reports
Submitted reports All submitted reports
Editing the user and
the notification recipients
Submitted reports
Draft reports
Submitted reports All submitted reports
Deleting reports Submitted reports
Draft reports
Submitted reports All submitted reports
Adding comments
Deleting comments Only your comments Only your comments All comments Only your comments

✓ : This action is enabled.

Adding Comments

You can add comments to reports. Comments are displayed in chronological order.
Only the user who added a comment can delete that comment.

The system administrator can enable the anchor link function.
When you place >> (two greater than signs) next to an existing comment number with the enabled anchor link function, a link for the referenced comment is automatically generated.

  • The system administrator can delete any comment.

Preparing a Report Associated with Appointments

On the "Appointment details" screen of the appointment that you attend, click "Prepare a report" to create a report. The attendees of the appointment are reflected in the attendees on the "Prepare a report: Fill form" screen.
The prepared report is associated to the appointment.

Each user can create one report for an appointment.

You can edit the attendees of both reports and appointments, even after you associate reports with appointments.
However, the attendees of the report are not associated with the attendees of the appointment.
Changing the attendees of the reports does not affect the attendees of the appointment.

Associating Prepared Reports with Appointments

On the "Appointment details" screen of the appointment that you attend, click "Associate with a report" to associate the selected existing report with the appointment.

Each user can associate one report with an appointment.

The following functions are available on the "Select a report" screen.

  • You can associate only the report that you created to an appointment.

  • You cannot select the following reports:

    • A report that is already associated with another appointment

    • A report that is saved as a draft

Removing Associations

On the "Appointment details" screen of the appointment that you attend, click "Show reports" to display the associated reports, and then click "Remove association". Or click "Remove association" on the "Report details" screen to remove association between the report and the appointment.
Reports are not deleted when you remove associations.

  • You can remove only the associations that you created.

  • However, users with administrate privileges can remove the association that other users created.

Available Functions for Different Reports:

The description assumes that the report that you want to create association is viewable.

Appointments Action
Viewing the
Associated reports
Preparing reports Associating
Appointments that you attend 1 2
Appointments that you do not attend
Appointment that you left
Private appointments:
Tentative appointments N/A N/A N/A

✓: Enabled, N/A : Not applicable
1: When a report that is associated with an appointment is saved as a draft, you cannot associate another report to the same appointment,
2: You can associate only the reports that have been sent. When you associate a report with a repeating appointment, the repeating appointment becomes a regular appointment.

Viewing Reports that Are Associated with Addresses

When you use addresses from the shared address book as other parties, the report is associated with the selected addresses in the shared address book.
You can view the reports that are associated with addresses in the shared address book.
On the "Address details" screen in the shared address book, click "Show related reports".

When the following conditions are met, the reports that are associated with the address are displayed on the "Address details" screen:
  • Users can use Address book and have access rights to the shared address book.

  • Users have viewing rights of the selected report.

Printing Reports

On the "Report details" screen, click "Printable version" to display the "Print settings" and the preview screen to print.
Only the contents of the report are printed.
The following information is not printed:

The following options are available on the "print settings" and the preview screen:

Searching Reports

You can search reports on the following two MultiReport screens.

MultiReport Screen

You can search reports using keywords on the "MultiReport" screen. The selected folder during the search is the target folder.
The report that contains the keywords are displayed in the any of following items:

Search Reports Screen

You can search reports on the "Search reports" screen. The following search options are available:

Filtering Reports

By using filters, you can search reports with set conditions in the viewable reports.
The search conditions are display on the top of reports list when filters are set.

Filter types

Filter Description
Recently used filters1 Displays the filters that you selected recently. Filters up to 5 can be displayed. When you select a filter, the selection history is updated.
Recommended filters2 Displays the recommended filters for the login user.
The system administrator set up the recommended filters.
All filters Displays all usable filters.

1: Updating filter history is permanent.
2: The following filters are not listed in the Recently used filters:

  • Removed filters

  • Inactive filters