Portal and Portlets


Portal is the screen that is displayed when a user logs in to Garoon.
Portal is a page that displays portlets that allow users to access frequently used applications and stay updated with the latest information.
The system adminstrator sets up the Portal. Users can create My Portals or My portlets at their discretion.

Display Overview

This section describes screenshots, icons, and buttons used in Portal and My Portals.

Portal Screen

You can change displays by clicking on a tab when there are multiple portals. My Portals are also displayed on the "Portal" screen.

Portal screen:

Portal screen


No. Part Description
1 Portal tabs These tabs are displayed when there are multiple portals.
The name of each portal is displayed on each tab.
2 Portal Various portlets are displayed.
3 Portlet Each portlet displays information from an application.

My Portal List Screen

You can add or delete My Portals on this screen. Only My portals that you set up are displayed.

My Portal list screen:

My Portal list screen


No. Part Description
1 Add My Portal Adds a My Portal.
2 Reorder My Portals Reorders the display order of My Portals on the "My Portal list" screen.
3 My Portal names Added My Portals are listed.
4 Delete Deletes the selected My Portal.

My Portals Details Screen

You can add and delete portlets from My Portals.

My Portal details screen:

My Portal details screen


No. Part Description
1 Rename Renames the display name of My Portal.
2 Preview Displays a preview of My Portal.
3 Initialize My Portal Deletes all portlets allocated in My Portal. Depending on the settings chosen by the system administrator, some portlets may remain even after My portal has been initialized.
4 Delete My Portal Deletes My Portal.
5 Filter for portlets Filters portlets displayed in the portlet list. Portlets can be filtered by application, or by My Portlet group or a portlet group set by the systems administrator.
6 Portlets This is a list of portlets that can be allocated to My Portal. Portlets can be allocated by drag and drop.
7 Layout Select a layout for the My Portal screen and apply.
8 setting Displays the following menu for each portlet:
  • Rename:
    Renames the display name of the portlet.

  • Settings:
    The items displayed in the portlet and their number.
    The settings may vary according to the portlet type.
    These items are not displayed in the following portlet:

    • Search the Web

    • Quick send

    • Scheduler search

    • Timesheet

    • Address Book search

    • Presence information

    • User-created My portlet

  • Delete
    Deletes a portlet from My Portal.