Using Notifications

Checking Notifications

In the "Notifications" screen, notifications categorized by unread and read are displayed.

Confirming details of unread notifications

You can confirm details of unread notifications.
Notifications whose details are displayed become read.


Click "Notifications" in App menu.


Ensure that the "Unread" tab in the upper part of the screen is selected.


You can change/filter notifications by selecting tabs in the upper part of the screen (such as "All" and "@ To me") and/or selecting the application in the left pane.


Click the subject of the notification and confirm details of the notification.

Confirming read notifications

You can confirm details of notifications which you already confirmed.


Click "Notifications" in App menu.


Click the "Read" tab in the upper part of the screen.


You can change/filter notifications by selecting tabs in the upper part of the screen (such as "All" and "@ To me") and/or selecting the application in the left pane.
Read notifications are displayed in reverse chronological order – the message recently becomes read will be displayed first.
By clicking "@ To me" tab you can confirm notification sent to you.


Confirm details of read notifications.
By clicking the subject of the notification, you want to check, details screen will be displayed.

Searching Notifications

You can search notifications by entering keywords which are in notifications.
You can either enter keywords in the search box on the top-right of the screen, or click "Advanced search" to specify the following options: