

Notifications is an application to monitor updated information in Garoon applications.
A notification is sent to the user every time any items are added, edited, or deleted on each application.
You can view received notifications on the "Notifications" screen.
Not only notifications are categorized by unread and read, but also "All" and "@ To me" tabs can be used to filter notifications in the list.
"All" tab and "Unread" tab are selected to display notifications by default.
By clicking "@ To me" tab you can confirm notification sent to you.

The unconfirmed notifications of Workflow are not deleted until the statuses are changed to "Confirmed". Other notifications are deleted after 30 days.
You cannot change the retention period for notifications.

Display Overview

This section describes sample screenshots, buttons, and icons used in Notifications.

Notifications Screen

Notifications screen:

Notifications screen


No. Part Description
1 List of applications Filters notifications by application.
2 "All" tab Displays all notifications.
3 "@ To me" tab

Displays notifications sent to you.

In case you have unread notifications sent to you, the number of unread notifications is displayed next to "@ To me". If you have more than 99 unread notifications, "99+" is displayed.
4 "Unread" tab Displays unread notifications.
5 "Read" tab Displays notifications already read.
6 Search Searches notifications (with additional search options).
7 Notifications

Displays notifications from each application. Click the link to display details of notifications, and the notifications are treated as already-read.

"All" tab will be selected by clicking the "All" link.

Notifications are not displayed when appointments are past the scheduled date.