
Accessing Garoon from a mobile device

When you access Garoon from your smartphone's Web browser, you can use the mobile view, which is optimized for smartphones.
You can enable the mobile view with the following steps.

On the mobile view, the week view screen of the Scheduler is displayed first.
The mobile view may not be available depending on your system administrator's settings.

  • The mobile view supports iOS and Android OS.

  • When accessing Garoon from an environment with client certificate authentication, import a client certificate into the smartphone Web browser.

  • In an environment with Basic authentication, enter the appropriate Basic authentication user name and password when you access the login screen.

Check the PC view from a mobile device

On a mobile device, tap > "PC view" to show the screen that would normally appear when accessing Garoon from a computer.
The Garoon home page will appear as it would on a computer.
Tapping "PC view" on any screen on a mobile device will always bring up Garoon home page.

  • You can also scroll to the bottom of mobile view and tap "PC view" to show the PC-optimized screen.

Supported operations on mobile view

You can perform the following operations on mobile view.

Application Supported operations Notes
  • View the spaces where you are a member (My Spaces)

  • View a list of space members

  • View discussions

  • Add discussions

  • Add To-Dos

  • Edit To-Dos

  • Complete To-Dos

  • Reopen completed To-Dos

  • Post comments on discussions or To-Dos

  • Use the "Respond" function to respond to discussions or To-Dos

  • Delete your own comments

  • Text and comments written using formatting functions are displayed in plain-text format.

  • View appointments on the "Personal week" screen

  • View appointments on the "Group day" screen

  • View due dates for uncompleted To-Dos

  • Create new regular appointments, all day appointments, and repeating appointments

  • Make appointments private and set watchers for private appointments

  • Fix tentative appointments

  • Edit appointments

  • Attach files to appointments

  • Attend appointments

  • Leave from appointments

  • Reuse appointments

  • Delete appointments

  • Search user/facility appointments

  • Post comments

  • Delete your own comments

  • Add appointments to Favorites

  • Users cannot view reports associated with appointments.

  • Users cannot participate in Web conferences using the V-CUBE Meeting feature.

  • Additional appointment notes are not supported.

  • View messages

  • Post comments

  • Delete your own comments

  • Add topics to Favorites

  • Text and comments written using formatting functions are displayed in plain-text format.

Bulletin Board
  • View topic details from notifications

  • Post comments

  • Delete your own comments

  • Add topics to Favorites

  • Text and comments written using formatting functions are displayed in plain-text format.

  • View e-mails

  • Receive e-mails

  • Reply to e-mails

  • Forward e-mails

  • Resend e-mails

  • Compose and sending e-mails

  • Send read receipts

  • Save e-mails as drafts

  • Edit drafts

  • Delete e-mails

  • Switch e-mail accounts

  • Mark read e-mails as unread

  • Filter unread e-mails

  • Add e-mails to Favorites

  • When you enter an e-mail recipient address, you cannot search e-mail addresses saved in Garoon address books.

  • You cannot use formatting functions when entering the body of an e-mail.

  • Replies to e-mail in HTML format are sent in plain-text format.

  • View request details from notifications

  • Approve, reject, send back, withdraw, cancel, and acknowledge requests

  • A proxy approver cannot process requests on a mobile view.

  • View report details from notifications

  • Post comments

  • Delete your own comments

  • Add reports to Favorites

  • Text and comments written using formatting functions are displayed in plain-text format.

  • View notifications

  • Switch between read/unread notifications

  • Filter notifications by application

  • Tapping a notification from an application that does not support mobile view brings up the corresponding PC view.

Differences between mobile view and KUNAI functions

To access Garoon from a mobile device, you can either access mobile view from a Web browser on your mobile device or use KUNAI.
This section describes the differences of main operations between the mobile view and KUNAI (in sync mode) features.

  • The KUNAI "Mobile view mode" and the Garoon mobile view are the same.

Main operations Mobile view KUNAI
Implementation method Accessing a URL for a mobile view from a Web browser on a smartphone Installing the smartphone application KUNAI
Using Garoon offline Not supported Users can only view synced scheduler, message, e-mail, and workflow data.
Space View the spaces where you are a member (My Spaces) Supported Supported
View discussions Supported Supported
Add discussions Supported Supported
Add To-Dos Supported Supported
Edit To-Dos Supported Supported
Complete To-Dos Supported Supported
Post comments on discussions or To-Dos Supported Supported
Scheduler View appointments Supported Supported
However, users cannot view attachments.
Create new appointments Supported Supported
However, users cannot attach files.
Edit appointments Supported Supported
Delete appointments Supported Supported
Display a list of appointments Supported Supported
However, users cannot display appointments for multiple users or facilities at the same time.
Search users/facilities Supported Supported
Post comments Supported Supported
Alarm notification for appointment Not supported Supported
Messages Mark as unread Not supported Not supported
Compose messages Not supported Supported
Edit messages Not supported Supported
Delete messages Not supported Not supported
Display a list of messages Supported Supported
Post comments Supported Supported
Bulletin Board View topics Supported (from notifications only) Supported (from notifications only)
Post new topics Not supported Not supported
Edit topics Not supported Not supported
Delete topics Not supported Not supported
Post comments Supported Supported
E-mail View e-mails Supported Supported
Mark as unread Supported Not supported
Receive e-mails Supported Supported
Send e-mails Supported Supported
Status management feature Not supported Not supported
Workflow View requests Supported (from notifications only) Supported
Process requests Supported Supported
Create requests Not supported Not supported
MultiReport View reports Supported (from notifications only) Supported (from notifications only)
Prepare reports Not supported Not supported
Edit reports Not supported Not supported
Delete reports Not supported Not supported
Post comments Supported Supported
Notifications View notifications Supported Supported
Switch between read/unread notifications Supported Supported
Filter notifications by application Supported Supported