

Messages is an application that allows users to communicate with one another in Garoon. Only users who are added to the recipient list can participate in the conversation.
The system administrator can see all messages in the system administration screen.

Display Overview

This section describes sample screenshots, buttons, and icons used in Messages.

Messages Screen

This screen displays a list of messages.

Messages screen:

Messages screen


No. Part Description
1 Compose Messages Creates and sends a message.
2 Add folder Adds a folder.
Reorder folders Reorders subfolders.
Folder details Displays the Folder details screen for the folder.
3 Options
  • Unacknowledged Messages:
    Displays unacknowledged messages for which you have not clicked "Acknowledge".

  • Delete all:
    Deletes all messages in the selected folder.

4 Messages search Searches messages using keywords.
Advanced search Searches messages with additional search options.
5 Status
  • Unacknowledged:
    Indicates unacknowledged messages.

  • Acknowledgment:
    Click to check whether the message has been acknowledged by recipients.

  • (Stopping notification):
    Indicates that update notification is stopped.

  • nn KB:
    Indicates the size of the attachment to a draft message.

6 Indicates that edit notification is set for this folder.
7 Message title Displays the "Message details" screen.
8 Delete Deletes the selected message.
Move Moves the selected message to the specified folder.
Status Change selected read messages back as unread.

Title icons

Icon Description
Received message Received message
Sent message Sent message
Message with one or more unread comments Message with one or more unread comments
Message with one or more attachments Message with one or more attachments

Messages Details Screen

You can edit the text of message or add a comment on this screen.

Messages details screen :

Messages details screen for an acknowledgement request
Messages details screen for an acknowledgement request


No. Part Description
1 Edit Edits the message body and the recipients. This item is displayed only for the users who are selected as maintainers for the message.
Change To
2 Attachments Displays all attachments to the topic and to its comments.
3 Reuse Compose a new message using the body and recipients of the current message.
You cannot reuse a draft message.
4 Delete Deletes a message.
5 Options Share in new space Adds a new space by setting the recipients of the current message to space members.
Compose more Messages Compose a new message reusing only the recipients and maintainers of the current message.
You cannot reuse a draft message.
Forward by e-mail1 Compose a new e-mail using the title, body, and attachments of the current message.
The body of the message in HTML format is stripped to plain text. The e-mail addresses of the users who are set as recipients of the message are automatically entered in the "To" field of the new e-mail.
"Sending E-mails"
Save as file Saves the message as a text file.
You cannot save a draft message as a file.
6 Stop receiving notifications Cancels update notifications. Click "Edit notification" to resume update notifications.
7 Recipients Indicates the number of recipients and their details. Click "Show" to display hidden recipients.
To display the "recipients details" screen, click "Details" in the recipients area.
8 Attachments Displays the details of attachments to the current message.
9 Acknowledgment status This is displayed only by messages that requests acknowledgment.
10 Comments details

One of the following will be displayed:

  • Writing status:
    Displays the date and the contents of comments written by recipients and maintainers Users who delete the message are displayed in gray.

  • Acknowledgment status:
    Displayed only when the message requests acknowledgment. You can confirm whether recipients have clicked "Acknowledge".
    Writing status is not displayed when the message requests acknowledgment.

11 Delete Deletes a comment. You can delete only the comments that you created.
Appears when you hover the cursor over a comment.
12 >>(Number) This is an anchor link. When you click this item, the screen will move to the comment with the indicated comment number.
13 Like Click this link to make a quick response to a comment.
The link may not be displayed or the word "Like" may vary depending on the settings by the system administrator.
"Using Respond ("Like") Feature"
Reply Posts a reply to the comment. An anchor link that consists of ">>" and the comment number is automatically set in the reply comment.
By clicking "Reply", the sender of the original comment is displayed in the recipient area of your reply.
Reply All Send a reply to all recipients (except yourself) specified in the original comment. Appears when you hover the cursor over the comment.
An anchor link that consists of ">>" and the comment number is automatically set in the reply-all comment.
By clicking "Reply All", the sender of the original comment, and users (except yourself), departments, and roles specified as recipients in the original comment are displayed in the recipient area of your reply.
14 Permalink Displays a URL of the comment when clicked.
Pasting permalinks is useful for referring to this comment from other discussions or memos.
Appears when you hover the cursor over a comment.
1:"Forward by e-mail" is not displayed in the following cases:
  • Your e-mail account is not set up yet.

  • Your e-mail account is inactivated.

  • E-mail function is disabled by your system administrator.