Configuring E-mail

Configuring E-mail Settings

You can configure the related items to E-mail such as the format of names displayed in the list, and the character encoding for a new e-mail.


On the "Personal settings screen", click "Setting of each application" > "E-mail", and then click "General Settings".


On the "General settings" screen, edit the entries as desired, then click "Save".
The following entry fields are available:

  • Format:
    You can select the display format for the list from Name, E-mail address, and Name (E-mail address).

  • Preserve attachment:
    Select this check box to preserve attachments of sent e-mails with the e-mail data.

  • Confirm before sending:
    Select this check box to display the confirmation screen before sending an e-mail.

  • Character encoding for sending e-mail:

    • Unicode (UTF-8)

    • Shift-JIS

    • ISO-2022-JP

    • EUC-JP

    • ASCII

    • Latin1(ISO-8859-1)

    • Simplified Chinese (GB2312)

    • Thai (TIS-620)

The default character encoding for sending e-mail is "Shift JIS". You need to change the character encoding for sending e-mail corresponding with the language set in "Language & Time Zone".

Setting Up Trash

If Trash is disabled, e-mails are deleted immediately instead of moving to Trash.


On the "Personal settings screen", click "Setting of each application" > "E-mail", then click "Trash settings".


On the "Trash settings" screen, edit the entries as desired, then click "Save".
The following options are available:

  • Activating Trash
    Trash is not displayed on the "E-mail" screen if the "Use" check box is not selected.

  • Period to save e-mails in Trash
    E-mails in the Trash are completely deleted when the retention period is expired.

Setting Up E-mail Accounts

You can add, edit, delete, and reorder your e-mail account.
The system administrator can prohibit some users from taking these actions.
The description assumes that users are allowed to edit their e-mail accounts.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Setting of each application" > "E-mail", then click "E-mail account settings".


Click your e-mail account on the "E-mail account settings" screen.


Click "Edit" on the "E-mail account details" screen.


On the "Edit e-mail account" screen, edit the entries as desired, then click "Save".
The following entry fields are available:

  • User account name

  • Password

  • Leave e-mail on incoming mail server
    The system administrator can disable this function.

Click "Details" next to the e-mail server name on the "E-mail account details" screen or "Edit e-mail account" screen, you can check the detailed information of the e-mail server.

Reordering E-mail Accounts

Click "Reorder" on the "E-mail account settings" screen.
The first e-mail account listed on the "E-mail account settings" screen is displayed in the "selected E-mail account" area on the "E-mail" screen.

Setting Up E-mail Signatures

You can create multiple signatures on each e-mail account. Select the signature corresponding to an e-mail.
The selected signature is displayed at the bottom of text body.


On the "Personal settings screen", click "Setting of each application" > "E-mail", then click "Signature settings".


Select the e-mail account the you want to add a signature to on the "Signature settings" screen, then click "Add signature".


On the "Add signature" screen, edit the entries as desired, then click "Add".
The following entries are available:

  • Name of a signature

  • Position

  • Contents

Editing Signatures

On the "Signature settings" screen, select an e-mail account, then click "Edit".

Reordering Signatures

You can change the display order of signatures that are added to the same e-mail account by clicking "Reorder signatures" on the "Signature settings" screen.
The first signature listed on the "Signature settings" screen is displayed at the "Signature" entry on the "Compose E-mail" screen.

Deleting Signatures

On the "Signature settings" screen, select a signature, then click "Delete".

Setting Up Sender Information

You can set up sender's name that is displayed on your e-mail for each e-mail account.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Setting of each application" > "E-mail", then click "Sender information settings".


On the "Sender information settings" screen, select the e-mail account, and enter a name.


Click "Save".

Setting Up Update Notifications

You can set up update notifications on folders. You cannot set up the update notification on Trash.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Setting of each application" > "E-mail", and then click "Edit notifications".


On the "Edit notifications" screen, select an e-mail account and folders to notify of updates, then click "Save".

Setting Up E-mail Filtering

This section describes how to set up the filtering conditions for received e-mails.
When several conditions are set, e-mails are filtered in the order that conditions are displayed on the "Filters" screen.
If the filtering destination folder has been deleted, a symbol "x" and gray number will be shown next to configuration item.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Settings of each application" > "E-mail", then click "Filters".


On the "Filters" screen, click "Add filter".


On the "Add filter" screen, edit the entries as desired, then click "Add".
The following entry fields are available:

  • Filter name

  • Conditions:
    Sets up filter conditions of e-mails.

  • Status:
    The selected status is set on incoming e-mails.

  • Destination folder:
    When you select "(New)" as a destination folder, a folder with the same name as the filter name is created.

Editing Filters

On the "Filters" screen, click the filter that you want to edit, then click "Edit".

Reordering Filters

On the "Filters" screen, click "Reorder".
When you reorder filters, filter condition priorities are also reordered.

Deleting Filters

On the "Filters" screen, select the name of the filter that you want to delete, then click "Delete".

Editing Read Receipt Settings

You can set up read receipts to for e-mails, and how to reply to read receipt request.
The system administrator can disable this function.


On the "Personal settings screen", click "Setting of each application" > "E-mail", and then click "Read receipt settings".


On the "Read receipt settings" screen, edit the entries as desired, then click "Save".
The following entry fields are available:

  • Read receipt:
    Select the check box to show Request read receipt on the "Compose E-mail" screen.

  • Response to read receipt:
    Select a response to read receipt from the followings:

    • Never send a response

    • Ask me before sending response:
      See the following page for responding to read receipt requests:
      "When You Receive E-mails with Read Receipt Request"

    • Always send a response:
      You can optionally set e-mails not to respond to read receipts when you are a Bcc recipient.

Setting Up the Status Management

You can use e-mail status to the following functions:

The system administrator can disable this function.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Setting of each application" > "E-mail", and then click "Manage e-mail by status".


On the "Manage e-mail by status" screen, select the "Use" check box.


Click "Save".

Status types

Status Description
(all) E-mails that have all status.
Undefined E-mails that have no status.
Uncompleted Unprocessed e-mails.
Need to send E-mails that must be sent.
Processed Processed e-mails.
On hold E-mails on hold.
Ready to send Ready to send e-mails.

Organizing E-mail Data with Files

You can manage e-mail data with files.

Importing Data

You can import e-mail data in UNIX mbox and eml formats.
Up to 1 GB can be imported per file.
If an error occurs, the importing process is terminated. Any data that was imported before the error occurred is discarded.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Setting of each application" > "E-mail", then click "Import from file".


On the "Import from file" screen, edit the entries as desired, then click "Next>>".
The following options are available:

  • Target e-mail account:
    This is a target e-mail account to import.

  • Import files from:
    You can select all folders except Trash.

  • Format:
    UNIX mbox format or eml format (1 file per e-mail)

  • File


Click "Yes".

Exporting Data

You can neither save drafts nor e-mails that the attachments are deleted.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Settings of each application" > "E-mail", then click "Export to file".


On the "Export to file" screen, edit the entries as desired, then click "Export".


Save the file.
Enter a file name and click "Save".
The following entry fields are available:

  • Source e-mail account
    This is a source e-mail account to export.

  • Folder to export:
    You can select all folders.

  • Format:
    UNIX mbox format or eml format (1 file per e-mail)

  • To export an e-mail individually, click "Save as file" on the "E-mail details" screen.
  • An exported file exceeding 1 GB cannot be imported to Garoon as it is.
    To import the file, divide it into multiple files so that each file is less than 1 GB.