

E-mail is an application that sends and receives e-mails. It is compatible with multiple accounts.
Sent and received e-mails of Garoon are saved on the servers where Garoon is installed.
You can check your e-mails even if you are accessing Garoon from another client computer.
You cannot view e-mails of other users.

Display Overview

This section describes sample screenshots, buttons, and icons used in E-mail.
Screen layouts and icons to be displayed differ depending on whether showing or hiding an e-mail preview.

When Showing Preview

On the "E-mail" screen, you can see both a list of e-mails and the details of the selected e-mail.
The system administrator can disable the "Show preview" mode.

E-mail Screen

Displays a list of e-mails and the details of the selected e-mail.
Unread e-mails are highlighted in yellow.

E-mail screen example:

E-mail screen example:


No. Parts Description
1 Selected e-mail account Indicates the currently selected e-mail account. You can select the account to use when multiple accounts have been created.
2 Compose e-mail Composes and sends e-mails.
Reply Replies to the recipients listed in the "To:" field.
Reply all Replies to all recipients listed in the "To:" and "Cc:" fields.
Forward Forwards e-mails to other e-mail addresses.
Delete Deletes e-mails.
Move to Moves selected e-mails to a specified folder.
Status Sets a specified status to selected e-mails.
3 Printable version: Displays the "Print settings" screen and a print preview.
Filter: Sets up filter conditions for e-mails.
View source: When clicked, displays the header information and contents of the selected e-mail as a text file.
Save as file: Exports the selected e-mail as a text file.
Character encoding: Sets up a character encoding of a title and body of a received e-mail in each part.
View in text format: Appears only when displaying e-mails in HTML format.
When clicked, HTML e-mails are displayed in text format.
Forward by Messages1:Composes a new message using the title, body, and attachments of the selected e-mail. 2
For details, see the following topic: "Sending a Message"
Forwarding: Sets auto-forwarding conditions and addresses.
Hide preview: Switches to a screen layout without an e-mail preview.
Delete attachments: Deletes all files attached to the selected e-mail. You cannot select which files to delete.
The following functions are disabled when attachments are deleted from an e-mail:
  • Displaying the e-mail source

  • Changing the character encoding

  • Exporting e-mail data to the UNIX mbox format or eml file format

Delete all: Deletes all e-mails within the selected folder.
4 Sort Sorts e-mails. You can select a sort key from the following:
  • Received

  • Sent

  • From

  • Title

  • Size

, Sorts e-mails in either descending or ascending order.
Filters e-mails by status.
, Shows or hides the e-mail list.
5 Data usage Indicates the data usage for the selected e-mail account.
When clicked, displays the total data size of e-mails in your all e-mail accounts and per your e-mail account. If your system administrator has set the maximum e-mail quota per user, data usage for your quota is also displayed.
6 E-mails search Searches e-mails using keywords.
Advanced search Searches e-mails with additional search options.
7 Adds the e-mail address to your personal Address Book.
8 To: Displays the number of recipients and the e-mail addresses. Click Show to display hidden recipients.
When you click Hide, only the e-mail address of the first recipient is displayed.
9 Attachment Download the attachment.
10 Receive Receives e-mails for the selected account.
The number next to it indicates the number of e-mails that remain on the e-mail server.
Receives for all accounts You can display "Receive for all accounts" by clicking "▼".
Receives e-mails for all accounts at once.
11 Folder actions Add folder: Adds a folder.
Reorder folders: Reorders folders.
Folder details: Displays folder details.
12 (Number) Indicates the number of unread e-mails in the folder.
13 Indicates that notifications are set up for the folder.
14 Divider You can change the location of the divider by dragging a cursor on the divider.
153 Displays the first 100 rows of e-mails.
Displays the previous 100 rows of e-mails.
Displays the next 100 rows of e-mails.

1: "Forward by Messages" is not displayed in the following case:

  • Message application is disabled by the system administrator.

2: Only text and attachments are copied from an HTML e-mail. Attachments are copied to attachments in the body of the new message.

3: The number of e-mails displayed per page is 100 in spite of the setting of "Maximum number of items per screen" in the Personal settings.

  • For the security reason, images in the HTML e-mail are not displayed until you click "Show images".

  • To display images in the HTML e-mail, you need to access the server where the images are stored. To ensure security, we recommend that you show images only after you have made sure that the HTML e-mail is actually safe for viewing.

  • When displaying an e-mail preview, you can use the following shortcut keys:

    • "K": Moves to the previous e-mail.

    • "J": Moves to the next e-mail.

    • "Tab": Moves cursor focus to the body of the e-mail.

    • "Shift + Tab": Moves cursor focus to the list of e-mails.

    • "↑"and "↓": When the cursor focus is on the e-mail body, scrolls the body. When the cursor focus is on the list of e-mails, moves to the next or previous e-mail.

Icons of E-mail

Icon Description
E-mails replied to a recipient E-mails replied to a recipient
E-mails replied to all recipients E-mails replied to all recipients
E-mails forwarded E-mails forwarded
E-mails with attachments E-mails with attachments

When Hiding E-mail Preview

The following icons and buttons are displayed in the layout where an e-mail preview is hidden:

E-mail Screen

This screen displays a list of e-mails. you can add and delete e-mails on this screen.
Unread e-mails are highlighted in yellow.

E-mail screen:

E-mail screen


No. Part Description
1 Receive Receives e-mails for the selected account.
The number next to it indicates the number of e-mails that remain on the e-mail server.
Receive for all accounts You can display "Get for all accounts" by clicking "". Receives e-mails for all accounts at once.
2 Compose E-mail Composes and sends e-mails.
3 Selected e-mail account Indicates the currently selected e-mail account. You can select the account to use when multiple accounts have been created.
4 Folder actions Add folder: Adds a folder.
Reorder folders: Reorders folders
Folder details: Displays folder details.
5 Options Forwarding:
Sets auto-forwarding conditions and addresses.
Show preview:
Switches to a screen layout with an e-mail preview.
Delete attachment:
Deletes all files attached to the selected e-mail. You cannot select which files to delete.
The following functions are disabled when attachments are deleted from an e-mail:
  • Displaying the e-mail source

  • Changing the character encoding

  • Exporting e-mail data to the UNIX mbox format or eml file format

Delete all:
Deletes all e-mails within the selected folder.
6 E-mail search Searches e-mails using keywords.
Advanced search Searches e-mails with additional search options.
7 Data usage Indicates the data usage for the selected e-mail account..
When clicked, displays the total data size of e-mails in your all e-mail accounts and per your e-mail account. If your system administrator has set the maximum e-mail quota per user, data usage for your quota is also displayed.
8 Notes Notes that are attached to the folder are displayed.
9 Filter Filters e-mails by status.
10 Acknowledgment Indicates the e-mails that the sender can confirm whether the recipients have opened and read the message.
11 (Number) Indicates the number of unread e-mails in the folder.
12 Indicates that edit notification is set for this folder.
13 , Shows or hides a part of the e-mail body when clicked.
Click "More" to display the "E-mail details" screen.
14 Delete1 Deletes the selected e-mails.
Move to1 Moves selected e-mails to the specified folder.
Status1 Changes the status of selected e-mails to the specified status.
15 Subject of the e-mail Displays the "E-mail details" screen when clicked.
16 Sender Displays the history of sent/received e-mails with the sender.

1: Before clicking this button, select a check box for an e-mail you want. This button is grayed out and disabled until you select a check box.

E-mail Icons

Icon Description
Regular e-mails Regular e-mails
E-mails replied to all recipients E-mails replied to all recipients
E-mails replied to a recipient E-mails replied to a recipient
Forwarded e-mails Forwarded e-mails
E-mails with attachments E-mails with attachments

E-mail Details Screen

You can reply to and forward e-mails on this screen.

E-mail Details Screen of Inbox:

E-mail Details Screen of Inbox
E-mail Details Screen of Inbox
E-mail Details Screen of Inbox


No. Part Description
1 Reply Replies to the recipients listed in the "To:" field.
2 Reply all Replies to all recipients listed in the "To:" and "Cc:" fields.
3 Forward Forwards e-mails to other e-mail addresses.
4 Delete Deletes the e-mail.
5 Printable version Displays a printable version of the e-mail on the Print settings screen.
6 Options Filter: Sets up filter conditions for e-mails.
View source: Click this to display the header information of the e-mail as a text document.
Save as file: Exports the e-mail as a text file.
Character encoding: Sets up a character encoding of the title and body of the received e-mail in each part.
View in text format: Appears when displaying e-mails in HTML format.
When clicked, HTML e-mails are displayed in text format.
Forward by Messages1: Compose a new message using the title, body, and attachments of the current e-mail. 2
"Sending a Message"
7 (Browse/Add) Adds the e-mail address to your personal Address Book.
8 Recipients Indicates the number of recipients and their details. Click "Show" to display hidden recipients.
When you click "(← Hide)", only the e-mail address of the first recipient is displayed.
9 Show images Displayed on the "E-mail details" screen of the HTML e-mail.
10 Display in HTML format Appears when the system administrator has selected "Displays only text" for the "Default HTML e-mail view" setting.
11 Show embedded images Appears when an image has been embedded in the e-mail message.
1: "Forward by Messages" is not displayed in the following case:
  • Message application is disabled by the system administrator.

2: Only text and attachments are copied from an HTML e-mail. Attachments are copied to attachments in the body of the new message.
  • For the security reason, images in the HTML e-mail are not displayed until you click "Show images".

  • To display images in the HTML e-mail, you need to access the server the images are stored on. To ensure security, we recommend that you show images only after you have made sure that HTML e-mail is actually safe for viewing.