Configuring Localization

You can set up display language and locale settings of Garoon that correspond to your environment using Localization. The system administrator can prohibit users from configuring Localization.

Setting Up Localization Related Items

The language selected in Localization is retained for subsequent logins.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Common settings" > "Localization", and then click "General settings".


Edit the entries as desired on the "General settings" screen, then click "Save".
The following entry fields are available:

  • Language of Names:
    User names added with selected language are displayed preferentially. You can select multiple languages.
    The system administrator can prohibit the use of some languages or this function.
    For more information, see
    "User Name Display Options".

  • Character encoding for e-mail notification:
    The selected character encoding is used for e-mail notifications in Scheduler, Phone Messages, and Workflow.
    The following character encodings are available:

    • When the display language is Japanese:
      Automatic, Unicode (UTF-8), Japanese (Shift JIS), Japanese (JIS), Japanese (EUC)

    • When the display language is English:
      Automatic, Unicode (UTF-8), ASCII, Latin1 (ISO-8859-1)

    • When the display language is Chinese:
      Automatic, Unicode (UTF-8), Simplified Chinese (GB2312)

Setting Up Locales

A locale is a setting that defines information of a certain location or language.
In Garoon, the display of dates and times corresponds with the language.
Users can customize the locale information that is set up by the system administrator or can set up their own locale information.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Common settings" > "Localization" > "Locale settings".


On the "Locale settings" screen, edit the entries as desired, then click "Save".
The following options are available:

  • Locale: The following options are available:

    • Locale name: Locales that are set by the system administrator.

    • Locale name (customized): The locale that is customized by the user.

    • User override: Locales that are set by the user.

  • Options:

    • Time zone: Select the time zone from the menu.

    • Language: Language to be displayed on the user's screen.
      Select a desired display language from the languages that are set by the system administrator.

    • Long date format

    • Short date format

    • Time format

Using a Locale Customized by the User

Users can customize the locale settings that are set up by the system administrator.
In "Locale" on the "Locale settings" screen, select the locale that you want to customize, then edit the entries as desired.
When the locale has been customized, "(customized)" is displayed next to the locale name.
Example: Tokyo (customized)

  • When the system administrator removes the locale used by any user, the locale in use is displayed as the locale that has been customized by the user. The user can use the same locale without changing any entries.

Using User Override Locale Settings

You can use your own locale settings instead of the locale settings that are set up by the systemadministrator.
In "Locale" on the "Locale settings" screen, select "User override", then edit the entries as desired.