

Cabinet is an application that is used to manage files that are shared by the entire organization.
Only the system administrator and users with administrative privileges can create folders and set up access rights.

Depending on settings chosen by the system administrator and the users' locale setting, displayed folder names or the language displaying a folder name may differ from those used in this guide.

Display Overview

This section describes sample screenshots, buttons, and icons used in Cabinet.

Cabinet Screen

This screen displays a list of files.

Cabinet Screen:

Cabinet Screen


No. Part Description
1 Add file Uploads a file.
2 Edit notifications Set up notifications for when the file is updated or deleted.
3 Download multiple files Downloads files of the selected folder into a ZIP file.
4 Cabinet search Searches files using keywords.
Advanced search Searches files with additional search options.
5 Notes Indicates notes for the file.
6 Delete Deletes the selected files.
Move Moves the selected files to the specified folder.
7 Subject Displays the "File details" screen.
8 Indicates that edit notification is set for this folder.
9 Downloads the file.
Updates the files.

File Icons

Icon Description
Added files Added files
Updated files Updated files

Select Files Screen:

This is the screen displayed when you click "Download multiple files" on the "Cabinet" screen.

Select Files Screen


No. Part Description
10 Check boxes Selects files to be downloaded.
11 File list Contains all files that are saved in the selected folder.
12 Download size limit Maximum download size prior to ZIP file compression.
13 ZIP file size Indicates the compression ratio of the selected files to the download size limit.
14 Character encoding dropdown list You can select the character encoding of multiple downloaded files from the following character codes:
  • Unicode (UTF-8)

  • Japanese (Shift JIS)


  • Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1)

  • Simplified Chinese (GB2312)

  • Thai (TIS-620)

15 Download Downloads a ZIP file containing the selected files.
16 Cancel Cancels multiple file download.

File Details Screen

You can edit file information and update the file itself.

File Details Screen:

File Details Screen


No. Part Description
1 Update Uploads a file.
2 Edit info Changes file information such as versioning options and file description.
3 Move Moves files to another folder.
4 Delete Deletes files.
5 File name link This is a link to the file stored on the server.
You can download the file by clicking the link.
6 Versioning Indicates the number of previous versions to store.
7 File description Indicates the file description.
8 Update history Indicates the time of the last update, and the users who updated the file.
9 Restore Updates the version of selected file as the latest file.
This is displayed only when versioning options are set.