Using Bulletin Board

Posting a New Topic

On the "Bulletin Board" screen, select a category, then click "Post new topic" to create a new topic.
To display the organization name in the "From" column, select the organization name by selecting the "Show membership" check box in the "From" section on the "Post new topic" screen.

The "Show membership" option is available if you select "User name" in the "From" section. The organization name is displayed to the left of the user name. Only one organization can be selected to be displayed.
You can enter any name for "From" by selecting the "Manually enter" option, if the system administrator has allowed users to manually enter "From" name.
"Show membership" and "Manually enter" cannot be used at the same time.

A topic created prior to its public period is filed under Waiting to be published.

When public period is not set, the time drop-down lists display "--:--". This is treated as 0:00 AM.
The following dates and times cannot be set:

What is an Acknowledgment Status?

An acknowledgment status indicates when a user who has been set as a recipient of the topic has read the topic.
You can enable the "Acknowledgment Status" feature only when you post a new topic.
Topic Details Screen

What is "Allow to edit and delete topic"?

You can use this to specify whether to allow users other than the sender to edit or delete topics.
To allow users other than the sender to do so, select "Set maintainers" and select users you want to allow.

  • Only the system administrator and users with administrative privileges can add a category.

  • Post period is set up based on the author’s time zone. You cannot edit the time zone of the topic that is already posted.

  • The notification recipients are managed by the system administrator or the operational administrators of the category of Bulletin Board.

Attaching Files

The "Attachments" screen is displayed by clicking "Details of attachments", or by clicking "Attachments" on the "Topic details" screen. The usage is the same as for Cabinet. However, you can edit only the files that you have attached.

Reusing Topics

You can reuse the information and the body of a topic.
Click "Reuse" on the "Topic details" screen to create a new topic.
The new topic is posted under the same category as the original topic.

Editing Topics

On the "Topic details" screen, click "Edit" to edit the body of the topic.
The following users can edit the topic:

  • The user who posted the topic

  • Users who are selected as maintainers for the topic

However, the users cannot change the acknowledgment status of the topic.

When updating a topic, you can set not to send notifications to the recipients.
On the "Edit topic" screen, clear the "Notify this update" check box, and then click "Save".

  • You cannot set the end date of the public period prior to the current date.

  • You cannot edit the category of topics. Only the system administrator and user with administrative privileges can edit a category and move topics to different categories.

Deleting Topics

Click "Delete" on the "Topic details" screen to delete a topic.
Only the topic author can delete the topic.
The system administrator can delete topics on the system administration screen.

Adding Comments

You can add comments to topics. Comments are displayed in chronological order.
A comment can only be deleted by its author.

The system administrator can enable the anchor function.
When the anchor function is enabled, the comment link is activated only by adding ">>" in front of the comment number.

Saving a Topic as a File

You can save a topic as a file by clicking "Save as file" on the "Topic details" screen.
You cannot save any topics that are listed under the Waiting to be published or Draft categories.

The following information is saved to a text file:

Comments are saved in the reverse order of the "Topic details" screen.
You can only save the names of attachments, not their contents.

Searching Topics

This section is for users who are not using Full text search.
For users who are using Full text search, refer to the following page:
Full Text Search Function on Each Application

You can search topics by clicking "Advanced search" on the "Bulletin Board" screen. The following search options are available:

Setting Up Update Notifications

You can set up or stop receiving update notifications on a category.
If you set up receiving update notifications, you will receive notifications when a topic is added or updated for the specified category. You can set up or stop receiving update notifications for each topic in the category for which you want to receive update notifications.
You can also stop receiving update notifications for topics in the category where the system administrator has selected you as a notification recipient. However, you cannot stop receiving update notifications for categories that the system administrator has prohibited users from stopping receiving update notifications as well as topics in those categories.
To set up update notifications:

  • For all users: On the screen of the category on which you want to set notifications, click "Edit notifications".

  • For users with operational administrative privileges: On the screen of the category on which you want to set notifications, click "Option" > "Category details" > "Notification settings".

Update Notification Restrictions

Category or topic Setting Up Update Notifications Stop receiving update notification
Users are allowed to stop
receiving notifications
Users are not allowed to stop
receiving notifications
Category Not possible Not possible
Topic Not possible Not possible

✓ : This action is possible.

Applying Update Notification Settings for a Category to the Subcategories

When you set up receiving update notifications for a parent category, you can automatically apply the settings to its subcategories.
To use the auto-applying notification settings for subcategories, configure the required personal settings before setting up the update notifications.

  • Auto-applying notification settings are applied only to the subcategories added or moved from other categories after configuring the settings. They are not applied to subcategories created before configuring the settings.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Setting of each application" > "Bulletin Board" > "Auto-applying notification settings".


On the "Auto-applying notification settings" screen, select the "Apply notification settings to subcategories automatically" check box, and then click "Save".