
Using Rich Text Formatting

The system administrator can choose to restrict the use of the rich text formatting.

Formatting Icons and Features

Feature/Icon Description
Font Size Changes the font size of text.
Image of changing font size
Bold Makes text bold.
Italic Makes text italic.
Underline Underlines text.
Strikethrough Strikethroughs text.
Text color Changes the text color.
Image of changing font color
Background color Changes the background color of text.
Image of changing background color
Clear formatting Clears all formatting, and apply the default formatting.
Bullet list Creates bulleted list.
Numbered list Creates numbered list.
Align left Aligns text left.
Align center Aligns text center.
Align right Aligns text right.
Decrease indent Removes indent.
Increase indent Sets indent.
Blockquote Indicates quotation.
Image of blockquote
Insert/edit link Inserts link.
By clicking the insert/edit link icon, "Insert link" screen appears.
Image of inserting link
Remove link Removes link.
Insert Table Inserts table at current cursor position.
By clicking the "Insert table" icon, a menu will be displayed to configure the cells of table.
Image of inserting table
  • A menu will be displayed by clicking on the inserted table.
    Image of inserted table

  • By clicking the right mouse button, the following menu items will be displayed.

    • Delete table

    • Fill color

    • Border color

Preview Previews text.
Insert/edit image Inserts image.
Available on the "Create HTML portlet" or the "Change HTML portlet" screen.
By clicking the "Insert/edit image" icon, a menu will be displayed to insert/edit the image.
Only the system administrator and application administrator can use this icon.
Image of inserting image
  • Garoon uses TinyMCE as a rich text editor.

  • Unnecessary tags may prevent you from writing texts into the editable area as desired.
    Please display the HTML source and confirm that unnecessary tags do not exist.
    Please refer to “How do I get the source of the page?” (available only in Japanese) in FAQ to learn how to display the HTML source.
    If the problem persists after removing unnecessary tags, please consult your system administrator.

  • Pasting tables/images created in Word or Excel into a rich text formatting field is not supported. Please use rich text formatting feature in Garoon to create tables/images, or attach the file you created.

  • In tables inserted without using the formatting function, you cannot use the edit functions such as making text highlighted and customizing the borders of tables.

Editing or Deleting a Table

To edit or delete a table in body or the HTML portlet, right-click the table to display the context menu, then select a function. In the context menu, you can select the following functions:

Navigating Organizations, Categories, and Folders

Organizations, categories in applications, and folders are nested.

Organization, Category, and Folder Display Types

There are three possible ways that organizations, categories, and folders can be displayed. There is no difference in usage for these display types.

Tree View

Tree View

Category Views

Category Views

The following functions are available only in the tree views of E-mail and Messages:

Selecting Users or Facilities

Select users or facilities from the tree view of organizations or parent facilities in the "Select users" screen or the "Select users/facilities" screen.
You can also search users or facilities with keywords.

You can use the following user information entries as user search conditions:

As facility search conditions, you can use the following entries:

  • To search in notes of facilities, the system administrator must enable the "Show notes" feature in "Facility reservation settings".

Selecting Attendees or Recipients

You can assign attendees of an appointment or recipients of a message by selecting an organization or group from a drop-down list.
You can also search users with keywords.
The search conditions for users are described in the following section:
"Selecting Users or Facilities"

Menu displayed in the drop-down lists

Menu Description
Search results Results of user search
My group1 Users registered in My group
Priority organization An organization set up by the system administrator
Membership Membership of the logged-in users
Often-used organizations1 Organizations that are set up as Often-used organizations by the logged-in user
Often-used facility groups1 Facility groups that are set up as Often-used facility groups by the logged-in user.
Recently selected organizations1 Organizations that you recently selected as attendees or message recipients
Recently selected users1 Users that you recently selected as attendees or message recipients
Recently selected facility groups1 Facility groups that you recently selected for appointments
Recently selected facilities1 Facilities that you recently selected for appointments

1: For setting the number of results per item or clearing the selection history, see the following page:
"Setting Up Drop-Down Lists"

Selecting a Category or a Folder for Update Notifications

You can set update notifications for both Bulletin Board and Cabinet on each category or folder. To select a category or folder to set update notifications, navigate to the target in the "Edit notifications" screen.
You can search a category or a folder with keywords.

Reordering Items

To change the order of items, use the following icons:

Selecting a Date and Time

You can select a date and time from a calendar or from a time display.

New appointment screen:

New appointment screen


No. Part Description
1 Drop-down lists Using this drop-down list, you can specify a start date and time and an end date and time.
2 Time Displays a cell to specify a time period when clicked.
New appointment screen
Click the start time cell and then the end time cell.
You can only select the hours, not the minutes.
You can set up the available hours in your Personal settings for Scheduler.
3 Date A calendar to set a date for an appointment.
Date types are indicated in the calendar by the following colors:
  • Week days, Office days, Workdays: White or gray

  • Holidays : Red

  • Saturdays: Light blue

  • Today: Green

4 Other time zones Select the time zone you want to apply to the start date and time and the end date and time individually.

Attaching Files

You can easily select multiple files or individual files for attachments using an intuitive interface.

Attaching Multiple Files

You can select multiple files in the "Select files" screen by dragging a box around the files that you want to attach.
To remove a file from the selection, clear the check box to the left of the file that you want to remove.


  • You cannot attach a zero-byte file.

Attaching Files by Drag and Drop

Select a file from your desktop or a folder and drag it near the "Select" button until "Drop files here" appears, and then drop it.

Drag and drop sample:

Drag and drop sample
  • If you are using Internet Explorer version 9 and earlier, you cannot attach files with drag and drop.

Using Full Text Search

Full text search enables you to search all data in Garoon at once, including posted comments and attached files in each application.
The AND search can be performed using multiple keywords.

Full Text Search in the Header

By entering keywords in the search field in the header, you can search all data in Garoon at once. The data in the following applications can be searched:

For information on the data available to Full text search, see the following topics:
"Full Text Search on Each Application"

screen example

a): Search function in the header

  • Using the Full text search in the header, you cannot search or filter using the user display name of a sender.

Full Text Search Function on Each Application

On each application, by entering keywords in the search field, you can search all data stored in each application.
On the "Search results" screen, you can set search conditions and filter conditions.

Search field on the Message screen:

Search results screen

a): Search field

Search results screen:

Search results screen

By entering the user display name of a sender in the "From" field, you can search data by the sender or can filter search results by the sender. Also, you can use the localized name of a sender to search and filter.
When data is updated, the search or the filter is performed using the user display name of the last user who updated data.

In the following applications, you can search or filter using the user display name of a sender:

In the following applications, you can filter search results using the user display name of a sender:

To filter search results using the user display name of a sender:
Enter keywords in the "Keywords" field.
Enter a part or all of the user display name of a sender in the "From" field and execute the search.

To search data using the user display name of a sender:
Leave the "Keywords" field blank.
Enter a part or all of the user display name of a sender in the "From" field and execute the search.

The following items can be searched on each application:

Application Search in Item Notes
Space1 Discussion Subject "Search only files" and "Search discussion & To-Do names" cannot be used at the same time.
Attachment file name
Attachment contents
Shared To-Dos To-Do  
Attachment file name
Attachment contents
Message1,2 Message Title "Search only files" and "Search message titles" cannot be used at the same time.

The messages in the following folders cannot be searched:
  • Trash

  • Draft

Bulletin Board1,2 Topic Subject Subject "Search only files" and "Search topic subjects" cannot be used at the same time.

The following topics cannot be searched:
  • Draft topics

  • Topics waiting to be published

  • Expired topics

File name
File contents
Cabinet2 File Subject The following files cannot be searched:
  • Files in Trash

  • Old version files

The following items cannot be searched:
  • Update history

  • Update comment

File name
File description
File contents
E-mail E-mail Title The following e-mails cannot be searched:
  • Unread e-mails

  • E-mails in Trash

  • Draft e-mails

File name
File contents

1:Selecting the "Search only files" check box searches only for attachments.
   Selecting the check boxes of "Search discussion & To-Do names", "Search message titles", or "Search topic subjects"
   searches only titles or subjects of messages or of topics in Bulletin Board.

2:A maximum of 10000 folders and categories can be searched including sub folders and sub categories at once.
   To search more than 10000 folders and categories at once, you need to select the top level folder of category such
   as Top and Root.

  • Categories and folders cannot be searched if you have no access rights to them.

Options Available to Filter

On the "Search results" screen, the following options are available to filter search results:

  • Sort by:
    Sort by relevance or updated time. Selecting "Relevant" sorts the search results by decreasing relevance based on the frequency of the keywords and the distance of the keywords in the target data.

  • "From" or "Updated by":
    Filters search results using a sender or the last user who updated data. When contents such as body text and recipients are updated, the filter is performed using the last user who updated them. E-mail data can be filtered by From, To, Cc, and Bcc.

  • Period:
    Filters the search results by the last updated date.
    Specifying only a start date searches the data that have been updated in the period between the specified date and today.
    Specifying only a end date searches the data that have been updated in the period between the date the oldest data was updated and the specified date.

  • Language:
    Filters the search results by the language.

Supported File Formats

Product or file format Version or type
  • On Windows:
    Word 95, 97, 98, 2000, 2002 (XP), 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016

  • On Mac OS X:
    Word 98, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2011, and 2016

  • On Windows:
    Excel 95, 97, 2000, 2002(XP), 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016

  • On Mac OS X:
    Excel 98, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2011, and 2016

  • On Windows:
    PowerPoint 95, 97, 2000, 2002(XP), 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016

  • On Mac OS X:
    PowerPoint 98, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2011, and 2016

Visio Visio 2002(XP), 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016
ODF 1.1 and 1.2
  • Type:

    • Text document

    • Spreadsheet

    • Presentation

OpenOffice 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3
LibreOffice 3.4
Acrobat 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, X, XI, and DC
PDF 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7
  • Ichitaro Ver. 5 through Ver. 13

  • Ichitaro 2004 through 2015

Microsoft XML Paper Specification (XPS) 1.0
RTF 1.0 through 1.9
Text Files that are encoded by the following character codes:
JIS (ISO-2022-JP), EUC-JP, Shift_JIS, UTF-8, UTF-16
Markup language HTML, XML, and SGML
  • The encrypted files can be searched. Although the 256-bit AES encryption for Acrobat X and later is not supported.

Restrictions on Keywords

You may not be able to search with keywords you have entered, depending on the characters used.

Searching using Japanese or Simplified Chinese

A word of one character can be searched with a keyword of one character. To search a word with two or more characters, the keyword must be two or more characters.

  • You may not be able to search with a keyword containing double-byte characters other than punctuation marks.

Searching using alphanumeric characters

Data can be searched by a word. Alphanumeric characters separated by a space or a double-byte character will be recognized as a word.
Searching is not case-sensitive.

When searching "Garoon":

  • Valid keyword: "garoon"

  • Invalid keyword: "Gar"