Using Address Book

Adding a New Address

Select the book on the "Address Book" screen, then click "Add entry" to add an address.
You can add addresses on both personal address book and shared address book.

On the "E-mail details" screen of received e-mails, you can add sender's e-mail addresses to your personal address book.

Reusing Addresses

To add another address, click "Reuse" on the "Address details" screen.
You can reuse addresses from both the personal address book and shared address books.

Copying Addresses to Other Book

To add the copied address to other book, click "Take a copy" on the "Address details" screen.
You cannot copy an address from a shared address book to your personal address book.

Editing Addresses

To edit an address in Address Book, click "Edit" on the "Address details" screen.

Deleting Addresses

To delete addresses, click "Delete" on the "Address details" screen.
You can delete addresses in both your personal address book and shared address book. Address deletions are permanent.
When you delete an address that you are viewing on the "My address group" screen, the address is also deleted from the address list of My address groups.

Deleting Only the Image of the Address

On the "Edit address book entry" screen, select the "Delete" check box in the "Picture" column, then click "Save".

Viewing Related Reports of Addresses

You can view associated reports of business associations entered in the shared address book.
Select an address in the Shared address book, then click "Show related reports" on the "Address details" screen.

Related reports are not displayed in the following cases:
  • The system administrator prohibits the use of MultiReport.

  • The system administrator prohibits users from using Address Book or accessing the books.

  • No reports that are related to the selected address are recorded.

  • You do not have the access rights to the selected reports.

Adding a New My Address Group

To create a My address group, click "New" on the "My address groups" screen .
You can add addresses from user list, personal address book, and shared address book to My address groups.

What Are My Address Groups?
My address groups are groups that consist of frequently used addresses from user list, your personal address book, and shared address books. Users can only use the My address groups that the user creates.
You can select multiple recipients at one time by using My address group when you send an e-mail to multiple recipients.

Changing Entries in My Address Groups

You can add or delete addresses from My address groups.
Select the My address group that you want to modify on the "My address groups" screen, then click "Change entries in address group".
You must change the entries in each address book and user list when you change entries of addresses entered in My address groups.

Deleting My Address Groups

To delete a My address group, click "Delete" on the "My address group details" screen.
Addresses entered in each address book and user list are not deleted by deleting My address groups.
My address group deletions are permanent.

Searching Addresses

You can search users and addresses in Address Book.
The following search options are available on each search screen:

Address Book Entry Search Screen

You can search addresses on the "Address book entry search" screen. The following search options are available:

Search User List Screen

You can search users on the "Search user list" screen. The following search options are available:

Filtering Addresses

You can filter addresses using the initial letter of the user name in both your personal address book and shared address books.
The following languages can be used to filter addresses:

You cannot filter addresses if the pronunciation of user is blank, or if the pronunciation setting is disabled.