Configuring Address Book

Visible Items

You can set up items that you want to display in the Address Book list.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Setting of each application" > "Address Book", and then click "Visible items".


Select "User list" or the book to set up on the "Visible items" screen.


On the "Visible items" screen, select the items that you want to display in the Address Book list, then click "Save".

Managing the Data of Personal Address Book Using CSV Files

You can organize your personal address book data using CSV files.

Importing Data

If an error occurs, the importing process is terminated. Any data that was imported before the error occurred is discarded.


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Setting of each application" > "Address Book", and then click "Import Address Book".


On the "Import Address Book - Step 1/2" screen, select a file, then click "Next >>".
When there is the item name on the header of a CSV file, select "Yes" to skip the header row.


Click "Import" on the "Import Address Book - Step 2/2" screen.

Exporting Data


On the "Personal settings" screen, click "Setting of each application" > "Address Book", and then click "Export Address Book".


On the "Export Address Book" screen, edit the entries as desired, then click "Export".
If you select "Unicode (UTF-8)" as the character encoding, then you can select the "With BOM" option.
When you want to include the titles in the header of the CSV file, select "Yes" to include the header row.


Click "Save".
Use your Web browser to save the file.