Address Book


Address Book is an application that organizes the contact information of companies and users. You can use e-mail addresses in Address Book as e-mail recipients.
The following address books are available:

  • You cannot change the display order of address book entries.

Display Overview

This section describes sample screenshots, buttons, and icons used in Address Book.

Address Book Screen

This screen displays a list of Addresses. Addresses are displayed under each book.
The displayed items under each book can be modified in your Personal settings. However, you cannot modify the displayed items under My address groups.

Address Book Screen:

Address Book Screen


No. Part Description
1 Add entry Add an address.
2 My address groups Addresses entered in My address groups are listed.
3 User List The users of Garoon are listed on this screen.
4 Personal Address Book Displays an address book for your personal use.
5 Shared Address Book Displays an address book that is shared with other users.
6 Address Book search Searches addresses using keywords and search options.
Advanced search Searches addresses with additional search options.
7 Index Filters addresses by initial letter of the name's pronunciation.
8 Delete Deletes selected addresses from the book.

User List Screen

The users of Garoon are listed on this screen.

User List Screen:

User List Screen


No. Part Description
1 Select users Selects the organization or user to view.
2 User list search Searches users using keywords.
Advanced search Searches users with additional search options.
3 Presence information Indicates the user's status.
4 User name Displays the "User details" screen.

My Address Groups Screen

My address groups and the addresses that belong to each group are displayed on this screen.

My Address Groups Screen:

My Address Groups Screen


No. Part Description
1 New Adds My address groups.
2 Reorder Reorders the display order of My address groups on the "My address groups" screen.
3 Details Displays the "Address group details" screen.
4 Change entries in address group Adds or deletes addresses in the My address group.
5 Notes Notes on the My address groups are listed.
6 My address groups My address groups that you have added are listed.

Address Details Screen

You can edit address data on this screen.

Address Details Screen:

Address Details Screen


No. Part Description
1 Edit Edits the address.
2 Reuse Reuses this address to enter a new address.
3 Delete Deletes the address.
4 Taka a copy Copies the address to another book. You cannot copy an address from a shared address book to your personal address book.
5 Show related reports Displays reports related to the address.